IAP clearance and NOTAMs -- Aug 2016


Well-Known Member
I've read that there's a late August memo floating around that requires pilots to confirm they have the latest NOTAMs (must contact FSS enroute, getting the before departure doesn't count) before ATC will issue an approach clearance.

Any truth to this?
I've read that there's a late August memo floating around that requires pilots to confirm they have the latest NOTAMs (must contact FSS enroute, getting the before departure doesn't count) before ATC will issue an approach clearance.

Any truth to this?
I haven't heard anything about this but I'm an approach controller. Perhaps an enroute controllers knows something.
Nobody's asked me if I've gotten notams enroute
Only time it's ever been mentioned is, "do you have the weather and notams at KXYZ?" but that's nothing recent
We used to have a local requirement to read specific notams regardless of whether the pilot said he had them or not. It wasn't really complied with and our new atm got rid of it. Ensuring a pilot has the wx and notams has always been a requirement. The only thing I can find that came out that time of August are the new drones stuff and TALPA which is just a change to braking action reporting and requirements which in the enroute environment will almost never be used. If you have a copy or link to the particular notice you're talking about I can ask around and try to give you some better insight.
I'd like to get my hands on that memo. Apparently, we've had 2 pilots denied approach clearances until they call FSS for the latest. I think one was out in Potomac's airspace.
That sounds weird... and wrong. Where/when was this? Sounds like some isolated stupidity. I don't know the exact setup in a tracon but every artcc has the ability to easily see some notams to update a pilot. Now if there's 10+ and they're busy I can see making them wait till they have a second or telling them they can go to FSS. Plus if it's just been a few hours since they checked all you'd have to look for is anything that happened to come out since then which 99% of the time will be nothing. There's probably some backstory on the atc side like a local QA guy who creates his own translation of a rule.
We just got briefed this past week on this. Yes, it's true. In my center to be covered if something happens, we have two options - either read all the notams on frequency to you or tell you to call flight service for the notams. It happened to me today, a guy checked on and stated he had the wx and notams and was requesting the visual, and I had to say, "Roger, contact flight services for the notams." It was a bit ridiculous, and I did explain it was the new rule, but still...
Do you realize how time consuming that is going to be for pilots if they have to contact FSS? If there's ten NOTAMs and the pilot has already read them, they get to listen to FSS read them all out anyway and try to pick out if there's one they didn't know about. No, you can't tell FSS not to read you certain NOTAMs, they have to read you all of them. Putting too much work on the pilots during busy times.
We just got briefed this past week on this. Yes, it's true. In my center to be covered if something happens, we have two options - either read all the notams on frequency to you or tell you to call flight service for the notams. It happened to me today, a guy checked on and stated he had the wx and notams and was requesting the visual, and I had to say, "Roger, contact flight services for the notams." It was a bit ridiculous, and I did explain it was the new rule, but still...
That....is dumb.
Do you realize how time consuming that is going to be for pilots if they have to contact FSS? If there's ten NOTAMs and the pilot has already read them, they get to listen to FSS read them all out anyway and try to pick out if there's one they didn't know about. No, you can't tell FSS not to read you certain NOTAMs, they have to read you all of them. Putting too much work on the pilots during busy times.
This is indeed crazy. I wonder if this is only required at airports where center is providing radar services in a terminal environment
Are 121 operations subject to this as well?
Wonder where this came from. Pilot complacency? Back in my ZMP center puke days I had a large biz jet heading into ATY from HPN. ATY was under construction and their runway was significantly shorter then usual. I read the runway length NOTAM and he was miffed about the length. They had to divert to FSD because he didn't look at them before he left HPN.

On the midshift, there is a cargo guy who goes into FSD every night. Each runway is NOTAM closed for 30 minutes at a time so the airport authority guy can run out there and do a check before the day starts. Well, my buddy was working and he asked the pilot if he had the NOTAMS for the closures and he said yes. So he cleared him for the visual to FSD airport. Then the cargo guy tries to land on top of the truck on the runway. The truck driver turned the controller and pilot into the FSDO and they faulted the controller because he didn't read the specific NOTAM. Even though the pilot stated he had the NOTAMS.

I don't know where I was going with this, just rambling on I guess. Some controllers I worked with read every single NOTAM to the pilots...even tower lights burnt out 15 miles away, 250' AGL. I only read the ones pertinent to the approach being made and runway notams.

At the TRACON I am at we almost never read them to the pilots, as it should be.
Nobody's asked me if I've gotten notams enroute
Only time it's ever been mentioned is, "do you have the weather and notams at KXYZ?" but that's nothing recent
I did have this the other day.

"Air Carrier 4096, be advised, the approach lighting system at XYZ runway (__) is out of service."
"Roger, thanks, we are in receipt of the NOTAMS at XYZ."