Re: I want everyone\'s opinion on this ok...
I've read the regs myself and I'm really struggling to find the confusion; It's as clear as crystal.
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It sure is, but obviously not for everyone.
Everyone on here is at different levels in their aviation path, I would no more expect someone who is still drudging through the FARs, or has aquestion as to how they apply (in this example in high alt flying) to grasp the answers and understand the basis at the same level as somone who is flying for Delta for a living.
A pal of mine who is an inspector at the FSDO said the FARS are written in dirt, depending on how long it has been since it rained,, it may change the interpretation.
Look up 91.119a, seems logical, but if someone tosses a push rod at 12,000ft and lands off airport in a populated area and causes damage or injury, why is that different than the guy at 100ft who tosses a rod, and lands off airport in a populated area and causes damage or injury?
The answer is it depends on how is interpreting the rules. (FARS) I personally believe they are written in as vague terms as they could get away with…