I landed a plane, please clap


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I forgot to post here when I finished my CFI. And then when I got my first Part 135 job. My first 121 job, forgot that too. Also when I passed OE.

But you guys should’ve seen the landing I pulled off last night. Last day of the trip. Late night. We’re all tired. Steep profile, moderate turb, winds whipping around all over the place. The pax are white knuckled, the FAs are sweating, even the captain is gripping the stick just barely short of a dual input callout.

But fam, I greased that Bus onto the runway like I’ve been doing it for years. FOR YEARS. The LCA went “whoa”, my bag didn’t tip over, some guy in the back shook my hand, no doubt the tower and ramp broke out into spontaneous applause. I look forward to receiving notice that it’ll shortly be renamed to the Ross Memorial Runway in commemoration of this momentous event.

Just needed to share that moment. I’ve got hundreds of hard ones ahead of me, I know, but damn did that feel good.
Feels good doesn't it? I don't know why for some reason the best landings always come out in the most challenging conditions. In Italian there's a common saying that roughly translates to "when the game gets tough, the tough guys come out to play", and boy does it ring true in aviation. On the contrary I jokingly, but not really, brief FOs when the ATIS reports calm and clear to get ready because I'm going to slam it.
I forgot to post here when I finished my CFI. And then when I got my first Part 135 job. My first 121 job, forgot that too. Also when I passed OE.

But you guys should’ve seen the landing I pulled off last night. Last day of the trip. Late night. We’re all tired. Steep profile, moderate turb, winds whipping around all over the place. The pax are white knuckled, the FAs are sweating, even the captain is gripping the stick just barely short of a dual input callout.

But fam, I greased that Bus onto the runway like I’ve been doing it for years. FOR YEARS. The LCA went “whoa”, my bag didn’t tip over, some guy in the back shook my hand, no doubt the tower and ramp broke out into spontaneous applause. I look forward to receiving notice that it’ll shortly be renamed to the Ross Memorial Runway in commemoration of this momentous event.

Just needed to share that moment. I’ve got hundreds of hard ones ahead of me, I know, but damn did that feel good.
When I grow up, I want to be half the man you were when you were 24.
I'm just glad your proud moment was at an airport this time! :)

(Too soon?) :)
Feels good doesn't it? I don't know why for some reason the best landings always come out in the most challenging conditions.

Same. Probably because we’re most focused all the way down during those times. That’s all I can figure…
On the contrary I jokingly, but not really, brief FOs when the ATIS reports calm and clear to get ready because I'm going to slam it.

Along with the dreaded “calm..gusting to 5kts”:p