
New Member
I got my license!! I got my license!!
Sorry, I just can't help my excitement . . . I actually got my license! I dreamed of this day coming, but to actaully live through it and experience it is sooooo different! So anyone out there who may be getting discouraged because things aren't going quite as well as they hoped, just remember . . . Keep working at it, because it really does pay off. And when it does, the feeling you will get will be worth all of the the down days you've endured along with the stress you have experienced leading up to the check ride. Stick with it, you'll be glad you did!! I got my license!!!
Congratulations! Who will be your first passenger?

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I already have lunch plans with my Mom, a friend, and possibly my younger brother this Friday. We'll probably fly from St. Paul to Eau Claire for the 'ol '$100 Hamburgar.' Can't wait, it should be fun!! Gotta take Mom out since she supported me through encouragement and some finance help as well.

It looks like I may also get a chance to go up Thursday for a couple of hours . . . not sure who will go then. So I guess I can't honestly say who my "first passengers" will be just yet. I'll find some though. . . don't worry!
Time to kick back a cold one

Thats one hell of a milestone!

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Thanks!!! But I thought that advice was only for airline pilots!
Just kidding! I wouldn't want to piss off anyone in an industry I intend to one day join. One rating down . . . about a million to go!
Rock On...I got mine in June and thought I would take a little time off to enjoy it. Yea Right ! I started my IR training a few weeks later and have my stage 1 check on Friday. Knocking them out.

Fellow Flyer from MPLS (kfcm)
Great job. Love the all caps subject heading, I did the same thing on here right after I got mine. Exciting stuff.
Congratulations! Who will be your first passenger?

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I already have lunch plans with my Mom, a friend, and possibly my younger brother this Friday.

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Couple things. First, I recommend going up solo next and do a little flying without the checkride monkey on your back before taking up pax. You're still understandably giddy with excitement, but an excited pilot can make for nervous pax. Pax want to see calm, cool, collected. It's also a good time to start shifting from checkride-precise flying to smooth-for-da-pax flying. That means rolling into banks slowly and gently (pretend you're an airliner and your pax don't want to spill their martinis), and gentle climbs and descents--cruise climb rather than Vy or (heaven forbid) Vx, and 200-300 fpm descents rather than 500-1000 fpm. Keep those banks gentle, too--steep turns are fine when you're solo or with other pilots, but they'll just scare your mom and she won't want to fly with you again.

Second, start putting together an outline for a pax briefing and get some barf bags. Ya never know when a pax will need one (better safe than stinky). If the plane has a 4 place intercom and you can rent headsets for everyone, do so--pax don't like being isolated from the pilot, even if it's only in their head. If you can't outfit each pax with a headset, it's polite to have a fresh set of earplugs on hand for them.

Third, expect the plane you've trained in to fly like a pig when loaded with full fuel and a butt in each seat. Don't neglect your weight & balance and add 15-20 lbs to your estimates of each butt (add it to pax-reported weight, too).
Congrats man, thats one big accomplishment. I got my private in april, instrument in june and im half way through my commercial training now. Hard work pays off, and the learning never stops!
Adding to what Aloft said......DON'T FORGET THE BARF BAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My sister was with me and my instructor on a picture perfect day with no wind, very little thermals (early morning) and she decides to puke up her breakfast.......Well, there were no barf bags so guess where she deposited her gift? That's right, in my flight bag! Dumped out all my junk and yakked to her hearts content, needless to say Lysol stock jumped tremendously that day

Enjoy and congratulations!!!!
Congratulations! what's next? IR?

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Probably after a one or two month break. From a lessons that is . . . not flying!