i flew the ri-motor


Well-Known Member
I was lucky enough to get an opportunity to go to a Ford Tri-motor fantasy camp at the EAA eadquarters at OshKosh Wisconsin. We learned everything there is to know about the old guy, and my last day we actually got to fly in it for about 3 hours or so. 30 minutes of those hours were flying as second in command. Now I know that doesnt mean a lot, but its just cool to have the time logged, nice to see it and to remember the cool experience. The adverse yaw in the ford is a serious issue. But it flies like a wonder.

Flying Low, and back in the 1920's you could call it fast! With Dario at the controls. Captain snap the photo for me.




On approach into Pioneer airport.

Taking Off, below is a C-47

Travel Air, Also got to go on a ride in this one.


Engines Shut Down, Every is departing.

That sticker in my sweater said FTG, I just could not find anything bigger then that. And the guy took the picture real bad.

No I don't want to leave, you cannot make me.



In the Air, ready to take the controls!

Hope you guys enjoy the pics.
This is defenetly something I'm going to remember for the rest of my life! Its the single most amazing thing I've done. I mean not many people can claim to have flown a Tri-Motor, and log it as flight time.dont flame it on that though.
It was defenetly too cool to describe.
Do you flash the peace symbol in your family portraits as well? I feel sorry in advance for your future wife when the wedding pictures turn out!

Oh yea, the Tri Motor is bad ass. It goes on tour, and I want to catch it one of these days.

how hard is it to synch the props? :)

Not so hard, bring the left and right engines to idle, and then bring them up to desire power, then you just have to work with the center engine, rather then all three.
I know what you mean, when I jsut got a ride in the Gyspsy Moth, wow, I'm still in the air. You'll be in the air for a few days after:)
Lemme guess, mmm... you flew the sim with Dave and your a systems manager not a pilot.

Ahh! Sorry buddy, couldnt resist.