Hows the CFI market in PHX?


I am thinking about moving down there in September when the fog rolls back into this place. I know it's difficult to make a prediction of what the situation will be like that far in the future but is there a lot of places to be a career instructor there?
:yeahthat: There's tons of flight schools throughout the valley, but prob not many I'd consider if you're looking as a career instructor. My top pick for you would be Lufthansa, they're more stable than most schools there and they pay something like 40K a year. I have some buddies there, I'll ask them if they're hiring for ya.
oh yea, by the way, i think their salaries are based on your amt of dual-given time. My old chief CFI is there now after getting laid off from my flight school a couple months ago, he's been a CFI for like 15 years. he started there w/a fat paycheck.
I go to one of those flight schools here in the valley, needless to say all the guys that were promised a full time job as CFI's upon clompetion of the program are sitting around every time I go there because they just don't have enough students..I don't know how it works, full time CFI job + no students = no paycheck I guess .. my old flight instructor just went over to Trans Pac(Pan AM), those guys just keep getting more and more Asian students...
I am thinking about moving down there in September when the fog rolls back into this place. I know it's difficult to make a prediction of what the situation will be like that far in the future but is there a lot of places to be a career instructor there?

It don't kick until the end of October, so you have at least one more month to stay in sunny Spokane. :sarcasm:
After my furlough I was able to return to work at a local PHX flight school that I had worked at for over a year, only to leave them again after 2 months because of how slow it was. I have lots of friends that are instructing in the PHX area, the guys working at schools like Pan Am and Sabena are staying busy while the guys working at the non foreign contract schools arent doing so well.
That doesn't sound good. I was hoping to be able to get my MEI maybe at ATP and build some multi hours teaching as well.
We've been alright at Sabena, but we're not hiring at the rate we used to. We might take one or two on if we get a few more contracts this summer. PM me when you get closer to coming down and I'll give you the details. I'm happy to help out a fellow Washingtonian if I can!

We've been alright at Sabena, but we're not hiring at the rate we used to. We might take one or two on if we get a few more contracts this summer. PM me when you get closer to coming down and I'll give you the details. I'm happy to help out a fellow Washingtonian if I can!


Awesome two Chris' from Washington. :)
Everyone sings high praises about her. I'd wish I could take a ride on one of her training flights for aeroflight.