Well-Known Member
Hey guys, if your financial situation is as bad as mine -$8, 000 to 10,000 a year being a pro snowboarder,and you plan on going through flight school then instructing, you can enroll in college online while flight instructing and apply for grants! Im enrolled at UVSC online and get appx. 5-6K a year in grants, free-money ya don't have to pay back, minus 3K for tuition/books still leaves some extra cash to help out with the low instructor pay!!
12K a year instructing will be a sweet raise for me over 8K, you guys just need to learn how to live cheap, I live with a bunch of friends, pay hardly any rent, drive a 68' Bronco thats paid for and insurance is dirt cheap $95 a year for full coverage, DON'T have a wife to go out and spend all my cash while im gone, thank god, and i'd have to say i have a pretty damn good time on my terrible pay.
VERY IMPORTANT- Learn to drink cheap beer!!! and drink before you go to the bars, you will save sooo much cash!! and theirs always some crazy drunk people buyin drinks for all, just hang out around them and you'll have no problem savin the little cash you got. Also me and my buds just pool the little cash we have together and buy food in BULK at SAMs Club!! You can save a huge amount of money this way!
Some people are always offering to pay cash for you to do somthing stupid, for example: Hey man, i'll give you $20 if you jump of that roof on your bicycle, or i bet you $50 bucks you wont eat that crazy lookin bug! Prove em wrong and take their cash! Money is money and you gotta take what you can get when your broke! Your also providing valubale entertainment for all, hell look at the show Jackass thats how all those guys started out and their loaded now!
I guess if you've got a bunch of student loans to pay back you might have to defer em for a while, you can do this if your income is that bad, I know my buddy has been deferring his federal loans for a couple years. Why do you guys spend sooo much on college, you must be crazy.
I see guys on this site that have like 60-80K in student loans, obviously the expensive education isn't helping that much because you'd be smart enough to go to a state school and save a ton of cash! My 3 years at USU has only cost me 9 grand so far, and after grants i've made money going to college.
Very few occupations have employers that care what college you went to, and aviation careers aren't one of them. A big name college degree isn't gonna mean squat to the airlines, they just want you to have one, they don't care how much money you spent. So why waste your money on some big name school, unless you just like throwing away money!
Some of you think that the education quality is better at a big name school, well just keep telling yourself that I guess, and have fun with those huge loan payments.
Just some advice from an extremely low paid snowboarder who gets by, hope to see some of ya at ATP soon!
Oh yea, if your married, ha, ha, - just tell your wife to get a job or your gonna kick her to the curb, and be sure to DUCK when she tries t slap ya!!!
12K a year instructing will be a sweet raise for me over 8K, you guys just need to learn how to live cheap, I live with a bunch of friends, pay hardly any rent, drive a 68' Bronco thats paid for and insurance is dirt cheap $95 a year for full coverage, DON'T have a wife to go out and spend all my cash while im gone, thank god, and i'd have to say i have a pretty damn good time on my terrible pay.
VERY IMPORTANT- Learn to drink cheap beer!!! and drink before you go to the bars, you will save sooo much cash!! and theirs always some crazy drunk people buyin drinks for all, just hang out around them and you'll have no problem savin the little cash you got. Also me and my buds just pool the little cash we have together and buy food in BULK at SAMs Club!! You can save a huge amount of money this way!
Some people are always offering to pay cash for you to do somthing stupid, for example: Hey man, i'll give you $20 if you jump of that roof on your bicycle, or i bet you $50 bucks you wont eat that crazy lookin bug! Prove em wrong and take their cash! Money is money and you gotta take what you can get when your broke! Your also providing valubale entertainment for all, hell look at the show Jackass thats how all those guys started out and their loaded now!
I guess if you've got a bunch of student loans to pay back you might have to defer em for a while, you can do this if your income is that bad, I know my buddy has been deferring his federal loans for a couple years. Why do you guys spend sooo much on college, you must be crazy.

Very few occupations have employers that care what college you went to, and aviation careers aren't one of them. A big name college degree isn't gonna mean squat to the airlines, they just want you to have one, they don't care how much money you spent. So why waste your money on some big name school, unless you just like throwing away money!
Some of you think that the education quality is better at a big name school, well just keep telling yourself that I guess, and have fun with those huge loan payments.
Just some advice from an extremely low paid snowboarder who gets by, hope to see some of ya at ATP soon!

Oh yea, if your married, ha, ha, - just tell your wife to get a job or your gonna kick her to the curb, and be sure to DUCK when she tries t slap ya!!!