How not to push for a job.


Well-Known Member
The real lesson here is that you should NEVER leave messages…
If you’re going to do something, just do it!!

For real.

My mom's cousin is doing federal prison time for leaving threatening messages to the commissioner of the local election commission.

(Take a guess at what his political affiliation is....)

They don't mess around with this and threats are pointless anyway.
I’d like to say, from my experience milling around an office on occasion, that the story surprises me.

But it really doesn’t.

Pilots are that… well, “interesting”.
Interviewer: What would you say your greatest strength is? Tenacity, or persistence.

Interviewer: What would you say your greatest weakness is? Also tenacity, and persistence.

“What’s my greatest weakness? Sometimes I fail to see how awesome I am, and communicate that to my co workers”