Helene is looking spicey

Refueling a helicopter is probably one of the least technically challenging tasks most folks who work on rigs have to learn.

The biggest platforms in the gulf are capable of producing 200,000+ barrels of oil per day…we can do the math on how important for that revenue stream to be uninterrupted.

Absolutely, the stories of the helo being sent back and forth just to bring a singular small tool needed for something, sounds astonishing. But in the big picture, is not a drop in the bucket of any cost.

We have several agent-pilots who were former Air Log, Era, and PHI pilots, who have quite the interesting array of stories of life flying in the Gulf, and living in Venice, LA.. One who is even scarred on most of his upper body and face from serious burns following a crash on a rig helipad a little over 20 years ago.
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