Heavy bag


Well-Known Member
Does anyone incorporate the heavybag in their workout? It adds another level of challenge seeing as you use your whole body. It's also fun to hit things! I've added 10 exercises to 6 min rounds.
10 Box jump, 24 inch box
10 Jumping pull-ups
10 Kettlebell swings
Walking Lunge, 30 steps
80 crunches
10 Push press, 45 pounds
40 pushups
10 Wall ball shots
10 Burpees
20 mountain climbers.
2 minute rest, 3 circuits.
The exercises are a modified filthy 50.
I do. Just standard bag work when I'm home. 3 minute rounds until I feel like stopping. Usually 5-6 rounds is all but I go pretty hard each round. It's tougher than you think.