Head West, Young Man


Resident Knucklehead
Greetings Fellow Propellerheads!

I would like to solicit some opinion from those who have gone on before me.

I've been away for a while, but some of you might remember that I'm a dispatcher in Wisconsin. I've gotten a call to interview with America West in Phoenix, and I would like to know if there's anyone out here that is willing to give me some feedback on how America West is run.

I've done quite a bit of research, but nothing is more informative then the opinions of those that work in or around them every day! I'm excited, but I will be putting alot on the line to move out to Phoenix and I want to be as educated as possible!

Thanks a ton. If you wish to be candid about your response, please leave me a private message!

Hey! I made a funny!

How the West is run!

I kill me.

(listens to the crickets)..

Okay, let's take this angle... How about some info on living in the Phoenix area?
I have no info on AmWest, but I can tell you a little about my experience in Phoenix so far...

#1. Choose where you live very carefully. The crime rate in Phoenix is unbelievable. W/in 4 months, my 1998 Plymouth neon was stolen and broken into twice, right out of our GATED apartment complex! So as a result car insurance will cost you your left lung!

#2. If you haven't heard, it is HOT down here!! Now don't believe anyone that tells you, "Oh, it's a dry heat." That is a pile of CRAP!! It can be so hot it is almost unbearable.

#3. I guess the only good thing, is the cost of housing fairly inexpense. There are some areas where you can get a brand new 3bd/2bath house for under $100,000. Mainly in the suburbs of Phoenix, like Surpise, Gilbert, Mesa, Chandler...

Hope that helps!

#1. Choose where you live very carefully. The crime rate in Phoenix is unbelievable. W/in 4 months, my 1998 Plymouth neon was stolen and broken into twice, right out of our GATED apartment complex! So as a result car insurance will cost you your left lung!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hopefully the car theft rate will decrease with all the bait cars police are using now. Luckily I have not had my car stolen or broken into(knock on wood), but it seems everyone else in my complex has. North Phoenix is just a sh*t area, avoid it like the plague!
What is Vegas like to live?

I m thinking about transferring to UNLV next year and was wondering is it as bad as PHX? crime, housing, weather, etc....
i grew up in Las Vegas, and its an overall nice place to live. UNLV is a nice campus right by the airport and the strip.
I lived there for a semester and worked at McCarron. I had no troubles while I was there. My roommate that still lives there just got her apartment broken into. They took everything of hers, kind of a crappy deal, but I think she is ok now.

The thing that most people think about living in Vegas is "I would get addicted to gambling, and there is way to many tourists there." Well there is a lot of tourists there, but it is easy to avoid, just don't go near the strip.

UNLV is a fun school from what I hear, I didn't go there but I have a lot of friends that do, and the like it. Montanapilot, why do you want to move there and what are you going to major in?

Montanapilot, why do you want to move there and what are you going to major in?

[/ QUOTE ]

I m looking to get a degree in Hotel Management and do my ratings at an FBO, or after my degree. I've been recommended UNLV by some of the staff in the Hotel Program here at Mount Hood Comm College. I hear is one of the best hotel schools in the country (along with Purdue). They also give you in-state tuition if your in the western US. I m gonna be doing one of their 5 week summer sessions this summer to see if i like it.

What do you know about the place, i ve been asking around to get a real-life account of the place but so far havent found anybody that knows.

Las Vegas is the sh*t for visiting, I don't know if I'd wanna live there though. It's probally kinda like New Orleans was for me- fun as hell for a few months, then it gets really old, and your just stuck in a hot sh*thole full of crime/violence hoping not to get shot or robbed, and you can't freakin wait to leave.

...but I feel that way about all big cities, so don't mind me

Thanks for the responses, guys! Helps a TON.

I'll keep an eye out for stuff in North Phoenix. Any more details on where exactly is the place NOT to be there? I'm looking at a couple of places in Tempe. How is that side of town?

Looking outside my window at the 4 feet of snow on the ground, and the fact that the temperature hasn't gotten above freezing since November, I'm ready for "hotter the Hell".



When I get to town I'll have to look you up and buy you a beer.. This board has been an invaluable resource to all of us!