Handing Out Your Resume???


Well-Known Member
Is everyone planning on printing a boat load resumes and then handing them out?

In the resume workshop thread I saw that some peeps were bringing there resumes on a flash drive of some sort.

In this new age, Would the flash drive be appropriate to offer a prospective employer?

Better yet, I'll have my iPad. "Can I email you my resume real quick?"

On that note... are you applying online first before meeting the company reps, or waiting to hand your resume over first?

I printed mine on some bright pink paper and gave it a nice scent. My resume smells like Rainbows & Unicorns. It think they'll like it.
People were bringing their resumes on flash drive to meet in the resume workshop for a 20 minute review to revise their resumes. This is a very generous offer from a conference particiant on site.

The rest of the folks were bringing their resumes. As of now I have worked, as an HR professional, with more than 40 of the participants on their resumes. They have paper copies of them.