GPS jamming in Dallas


There are a few news stories about it now and ATIS has a NOTAM for 40 miles of unreliable service.
Still going on. Flight check was there when I left. I wonder if they are checking on the problem or causing it.
Got three Ecams climbing out of DFW Monday for Nav something. Listening to all the nAAtives claim it was the Russians on the radio was amusing.

“Aircraft broadcast information about how accurate their navigation system (which is almost always GPS) is at any given moment. The GPSJam map aggregates that data over 24 hours in time and displays it as a hexagonal map. Green hexagons show where more than 98% of all aircraft who flew through that area reported good navigation accuracy. Yellow hexagons show where between 2% and 10% of aircraft reported low navigation accuracy. Red hexagons show where more than 10% of aircraft reported low navigation accuracy.

Areas where a significant percentage of aircraft report low navigation accuracy seem to correlate well with areas of known and suspected jamming activity.”

My favorite GPS jamming story is getting a reroute on taxi out in SFO because we were filed on Q routes, controller and FO are both confusing the heck out of each other reading it back and I get it plugged into my iPad and see it's essentially literally the same route, just on different airways and put two and two together for why they were doing it. I think once we got it plugged in they were like "oh never mind you can use the Q routes again."
But it’s true… I can think of 2-3 places I get jammed ever single time I fly through the airspace… it’s not that big of a deal and certainly not worthy of this much consternation.
Yeah we regularly get it while going around Fallon, but this seems to be an unknown source disrupting approaches.