Well-Known Member
Gov\'t IAP\'s vs Jepps
I am curious for those out there that have flown with both types of Instrument Approach Procedures what thier preference is and why.
I fly with both types and personally prefer the Gov't pubs (law of primacy) exsecially with the new briefing format. My biggest problem is the non standard departure information being located in the front of the volume rather than co located with the airport info. I use the Gov't pubs when I am on a Military flight. This is a DoD requirement.
I use the Jepp View product for my civilian job, as this is my chief pilot's preference. Jepp View is the product that you have all the approaches on CD / Hard drive and print just the procedures you want. We carry the Gov't pubs as a back up in case we divert. I know what you're thinking, why pay for both services, because its the chief pilots preference. I don't know which is more expensive but I'm ptetty sure the Gov't pubs are cheaper. The nice thing about Jepp View is we use Jeppesen Flite Star flight planning software and you can automatically print the approaches for the airports in the flight plan.
Airport / taxi diagrams are easier to read on the Gov't charts is another big reason I prefer the Gov't charts.
I am curious for those out there that have flown with both types of Instrument Approach Procedures what thier preference is and why.
I fly with both types and personally prefer the Gov't pubs (law of primacy) exsecially with the new briefing format. My biggest problem is the non standard departure information being located in the front of the volume rather than co located with the airport info. I use the Gov't pubs when I am on a Military flight. This is a DoD requirement.
I use the Jepp View product for my civilian job, as this is my chief pilot's preference. Jepp View is the product that you have all the approaches on CD / Hard drive and print just the procedures you want. We carry the Gov't pubs as a back up in case we divert. I know what you're thinking, why pay for both services, because its the chief pilots preference. I don't know which is more expensive but I'm ptetty sure the Gov't pubs are cheaper. The nice thing about Jepp View is we use Jeppesen Flite Star flight planning software and you can automatically print the approaches for the airports in the flight plan.
Airport / taxi diagrams are easier to read on the Gov't charts is another big reason I prefer the Gov't charts.