Goodnight Dispatch.


Dispatch Betty
Anyone with kids has most definately read the book "Goodnight Moon." If you dont have kids, or you've been living under a rock, "Goodnight Moon" is a charming childrens book where the child says goodnight to everything in his room before finally saying goonight to the moon shining through his bedroom window, in poem form.

One night, after a very long, tiring, frustrating night in dispatch, I was in a goofy mood so I posted my own version of "Goodnight Moon" on my profile on the Book of Face, where I said goodnight to various people who help to make the operation operate. It was then pointed out, "Hey, Betty! You forgot this person...and these people....and that guy over there!" So its been ammended a couple of times.

So I had an idea. The flying public doesnt realize just HOW MANY people it takes to make a commercial flight "go." Even those of us who work in aviation sometimes take for granted how many people in as many occupations it actually takes to keep an airport and airline moving, however insignificant a job may seem to some. So I'm going to post my dumb little poem. When you think of someone I forgot, tell me and I'll find a way to make it work and Ill edit the poem. It could get long and redundant, but I think it would be fun way to show just how many people have a hand in making your flight happen. Pilots, Flight Attendants, Gate Agents,and Air Traffic Controllers are the "faces" of commercial aviation...but it takes a village....and we are an awfully big village!

Goodnight Dispatch

Goonight desk, and goodnight lamp.
Goodnight Rampers on the ramp.
Goodnight Agents and ATC,
Goodnight Planner who emailed me.
Goodnight FA's and goodnight Runways,
Goodnight Meteorology.
Goodnight Groomers and goodnight Broomers,
Goonight Iceman on the boom.
Goodnight TSA, and goodnight AFA,
Goodnight PAX who pay for our food.
Goodnight ALPA and MAC,
Goodnight Catering and ASD.
Goodnight Maintenance, Scheduling to.
Thank you EVERYONE for all you do.
Goodnight Airport and Embraer.
Goodnight Pilots everywhere.
Goodnight Dispatch.