Getting a 3rd Class Medical with asthma?

Dominic Ruler

New Member
I really should have considered this before I decided to start my flight training, but too late. I should be ready to solo in a few weeks but in order to get my student pilot certificate I need to get my medical.

I am in my late teens and I have mild asthma. My asthma has always been mild, and both my doctor, and my parents think I am growing out of it. The last thing I want is for my medical to be deferred which means I would have to wait 6 months for the FAA to certify me so I want to make sure I am doing everything I need to do. I am prescribed Albuteral and Advair, none of which I have needed to used within the past year. I honestly don't know why I am still prescribed to advair because I never have taken it consecutively because my asthma has never bothered me.

I went to the doctor today and got my doctor to write a letter talking about my asthma and how it truly is mild and that he thinks I would have no problem in flight. He told me I didn't need to take a peak flow test so I listened to his word but now I am hearing otherwise online? If I show up to the AME and give him the letter, will he still defer me? I don't mind being requested by the FAA to get a peak flow after certification- I just want to avoid waiting a ridiculous time span. Thanks for your help.
If you get the spirometry (they want this and not a peak flow) the AME can issue the medical. Once the AME does a student medical, he has 7 days to transmit it to the FAA so take the spirometry with you.
I have mild exercise induced asthma. I had my doctor fax my spriometry report to my AME before I went in, and it was pretty much a non event.