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From the Arizona Republic:
From the Arizona Republic:
Gamer finds simulator a bit rattling
6 comments Apr. 9, 2010 12:00 AM
On Easter Sunday, I was flying a Boeing 737 from Phoenix's Sky Harbor International Airport to San Diego's Lindbergh Field on my computer using Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
I departed KPHX at 2:22 p.m., flying IFR at 18,000. Around 3:35 p.m., was passed from Albuquerque ATC to Southern California approach, was instructed to descend to 4,000, decreased air speed and trimmed for descent.
The flight up to that point had been a very smooth ride. However, when passing through 8,000 feet, it seemed to get rough. I felt like I was being jostled around by the aircraft's movement.
Thought it was odd that I could really feel the swaying movement.
However, the instrument panel didn't seem to move at all. Then, I heard about the earthquake in northern Mexico. Wow, talk about realism in a flight simulator.
- William McAdams, Peoria