Gamer finds simulator a bit rattling


Apparently a "terse" writer
Staff member
My people, my people...

From the Arizona Republic:
Gamer finds simulator a bit rattling
6 comments Apr. 9, 2010 12:00 AM

On Easter Sunday, I was flying a Boeing 737 from Phoenix's Sky Harbor International Airport to San Diego's Lindbergh Field on my computer using Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

I departed KPHX at 2:22 p.m., flying IFR at 18,000. Around 3:35 p.m., was passed from Albuquerque ATC to Southern California approach, was instructed to descend to 4,000, decreased air speed and trimmed for descent.

The flight up to that point had been a very smooth ride. However, when passing through 8,000 feet, it seemed to get rough. I felt like I was being jostled around by the aircraft's movement.

Thought it was odd that I could really feel the swaying movement.

However, the instrument panel didn't seem to move at all. Then, I heard about the earthquake in northern Mexico. Wow, talk about realism in a flight simulator.

- William McAdams, Peoria
Usually it goes all over your Jepps or into your flight kid. My Scott leather bad smells like bad water and fine Arabica!
Gas must be cheap in imagination land if we're taking 737s from PHX-SAN at 18. Maybe if we go to war with our imagination, we can get some of their cheap gas.

