Fuel Regulations...a rant


Well-Known Member
My very public, but not so public, rant this morning:
standardized language in aviation exists for a reason.

There's no such thing as a supplemental flight dispatched under domestic regulations between two non-C070 airports...unless...your OpSpecs say you can do that. (ours do not)

That means that all of your fuel regularions are, in fact, supplemental fuel regulations...even if you're using the fuel regulation found in 121.645(e) and applying the furthest alternate plus 45 minute rule under 121.643 due to departure and destination being within CONUS. THEY ARE ALL SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS.

Asking me to leave a standardized note on the flight release which says, "operated under domestic fuel rules per 121.643(e)" is going to make me question your ability to read regulations...but then again, the same person here actually tried to convince me that OpFam hours could be reduced to 1.5 hours in the seat. 🙄
That's why they put "supplemental operations" in the title. Because it's for supplemental. They even bold it. All 121.645 (e) says is "hey if youre doing supplemental ops in the lower 48 check out 121.643. That's your reg." The fuel remark is totally needless. I may put a remark "hey we're supplemental ops on this flight" just so everyone is on the same page that we aren't playing by 121 regular rules so some things may look different. But that's a phone call saver.