Freighters as Civil War Generals

Boris Badenov

Fortis Leader
Ok, so extrapolate:

1) BE-99 = Gen. Grant. The inevitable weight of numbers. Sure you spend way too much to get where you're going, but it's simple, direct, and does the job. Let the bean-counters worry about the rest. Not brilliant by any means, but competent, safe, and inexorable.

2) Caravan = Gen. McClellan. Carry a whole lot and move very, very slowly. No matter how much you carry, it's not enough. And if you ask a Caravan pilot, the Enemy is always fifteen feet tall.

3) Aerostar = Gen. J.E.B. Stuart. It's difficult to deal with and seems more interested in looking good than in doing the job, sometimes. That said, it's fast as hell and the chicks dig it.

4) MU2 = Gen. Robert E. Lee. Stately, impressive. Frightening to some, but a total gentleman at heart. Moves fast when required, but also behaves splendidly at low speeds. A gentleman with a heart of fire.

5) EMB110 = Gen. Halleck. Well intentioned, but bumbling. Lots of money and time spent on something that probably should have been retired a long time ago.

6) CE210 = Col. Chamberlain. Never the bride, always the bridesmaid. Stolid, reliable, true. Occassionally brilliant. Overshadowed by bigger players but possibly the best of the best.

Please add.
Need one for Sherman - Merciless, straightforward, and leaves a trail of fire and tears in it's wake. Hated on by the losers, loved by the winners. Some called him the first Modern General, perhaps the 727 freighter? Maybe the Convair?
I can't really put them into civil war generals, but I'm curious how people will put the 402, 207, 206, 185, AC500, pa31, pa34, EMB-120, SA227, BE1900, be18, DC3/4/6 and then we should probably have the Boeings and MDs to. 737 combi?
I think it's worth adding to Little Mac that, like the Caravan, those who have served with it always love it, although no one who hasn't can quite understand why.
Need one for Sherman - Merciless, straightforward, and leaves a trail of fire and tears in it's wake. Hated on by the losers, loved by the winners. Some called him the first Modern General, perhaps the 727 freighter? Maybe the Convair?

I think Sherman might be a LR24, maybe a bankair back in the day. Leaves everything behind it a scalded bloody mess and makes no apologies. A total war kind of airplane.
Is it a freighter?

Everyhing is a freighter if you have enough money.

If it's not already being used as a freighter,

SJ30 = Gen. Hooker. Good on paper, knocked-down a couple of times, given lots of chances, can't get it done.

(lib-rul nerd-fest indeed)
If it's not already being used as a freighter,

SJ30 = Gen. Hooker. Good on paper, knocked-down a couple of times, given lots of chances, can't get it done.

(lib-rul nerd-fest indeed)

Bonus points because the whole SJ30 program seems at once promising and yet also super-sketch. Like Hooker. Good one.
So the MU2 is also the bloodiest freighter there is? Has a total disregard for lives? Can outmaneuver his competition to get the package where it's going no matter the cost in blood? I like it.
(My grandfather grew a beard, lost a lot of weight and looked like R.E. Lee. When he was heavier and beardless he looked like Archie Bunker. Go figure.)
So the MU2 is also the bloodiest freighter there is? Has a total disregard for lives? Can outmaneuver his competition to get the package where it's going no matter the cost in blood? I like it.
(My grandfather grew a beard, lost a lot of weight and looked like R.E. Lee. When he was heavier and beardless he looked like Archie Bunker. Go figure.)

Well, it certainly isn't too concerned with the cost of improving aerodynamic efficiency. But you actually make a strong case for the MU-2 being Gen. Bedford Forrest, now that you mention it. Reviled, misundertood, downright hated, but possibly the most brilliant thing to come from that shameful war. And, like the MU-2, not a bad thing, just a product of its time and place. Ok, MU-2= Bedford Forrest. What airplane could possibly fill the giant shoes of Gen. Lee, now? My new nomination is the Constellation. Reviled initially, and almost cast aside as a relic, it proved itself as not only capable, but brilliant at the job. REL = Constellation. Game on.
What of the Beech 18? Some are still flying freight to this day. You leave out one of the more iconic freighters of all time?

Edit: And to play along, I would call the Be18 either William Quantrill or Bloody Bill Anderson. Not that they were generals. Just because they were fierce and bad ass. Like a Be18.
Need one for Sherman - Merciless, straightforward, and leaves a trail of fire and tears in it's wake. Hated on by the losers, loved by the winners. Some called him the first Modern General, perhaps the 727 freighter? Maybe the Convair?
Yeah I would think that the MU-2 is Lee and the Metro would be Sherman. Thats just me.