Foreflight slow on iPad mini6. Anyone else seeing this?


Well-Known Member
I have the latest iPad mini (6). I’ve kept pace with all upgrades to both the IOS and foreflight.

While I was flying today, I noticed a notable delay as I clicked on airport info, or switching from maps to scratchpad, etc.

Has anyone else noticed a time delay? I’ve got the 256gb model iPad mini 6, FWIW
I have the latest iPad mini (6). I’ve kept pace with all upgrades to both the IOS and foreflight.

While I was flying today, I noticed a notable delay as I clicked on airport info, or switching from maps to scratchpad, etc.

Has anyone else noticed a time delay? I’ve got the 256gb model iPad mini 6, FWIW
So as an Android user, is this a good reason to switch from Foreflight. Buy a Samsung tablet and get Garmin Pilot? Asking for a friend.
So as an Android user, is this a good reason to switch from Foreflight. Buy a Samsung tablet and get Garmin Pilot? Asking for a friend.
Having used both, I prefer Garmin pilot (in my capacity as a private pilot), but that is because Garmin was my only option at first. When I got an iPad I briefly switched and then switched right back. Foreflight was first so I think that is why it has such a great market share, but Garmin is more intuitive to me, especially since I "grew up" on Garmin avionics.
iPad minis can get kind of wheezy with both FF or GP, especially when they’re connected to an ADS-B device.

I’ve tried to narrow down the issues, but have never really found the cause. Seems to happen more when there are two sets of databases loaded, such as right before a switchover.

Best thing I’ve found is have a dedicated device, and keep the extraneous trash, apps and data off it. Make sure you reboot frequently and close stuff you don’t use.

For the record, I prefer GP over FF as well. It seemed to suit my workflow better and didn’t cost as much for the items I wanted.
So as an Android user, is this a good reason to switch from Foreflight. Buy a Samsung tablet and get Garmin Pilot? Asking for a friend.
Nah. Nothing comes close to the functionality of ForeFlight. There’s a reason that a number of corporate and military flight departments use it. All of my 135s did. Some guys at my 121 will just because it’s so much better than the tools we’re given.*

Just my two cents, but after trying a number of other options (Pilot, FltPlan Go, Aerovie, WingX), there’s just no comparison. Pilot’s probably the second best and I run FltPlan Go as my Canadian EFB since I don’t want to pay for the extra charts, but ForeFlight just doesn’t have a decent competitor.

* alongside company sanctioned apps; no SOPs were broken in the writing of this post
I know the mini is good for space, but it just doesn’t have “the juice”. FF has developed a lot of bloat and whiz bang stuff that requires more computing power. This is where an iPad Pro should be in the bag. My .02

Its amazing how an app that was strictly just for charts and airport info has grown into a complicated mess of things lately. 3D view.. just use google earth!
I know the mini is good for space, but it just doesn’t have “the juice”. FF has developed a lot of bloat and whiz bang stuff that requires more computing power. This is where an iPad Pro should be in the bag. My .02

Its amazing how an app that was strictly just for charts and airport info has grown into a complicated mess of things lately. 3D view.. just use google earth!

Agreed. There’s a lot of FF fanboi-ism that I don’t quite understand. It’s not some garage app company taking on the man, freeing us from the tyrant of paper charts, and hasn’t been for years. Anyone who has spent five minutes in the biz knows Jepp is no charity, and that’s 100x true now that they’re owned by Boeing.

Not a fan of Garmin either, but Pilot works just as well, and comes with more useful options at lower price points, at least it did last I used it.

Last cycle of refreshes, my company let us buy our iPads for not much. It runs apps much better than any current generation minis. I like the minis for the small footprint, but they’ve always been outstripped by the larger pads or even top tier iPhones.
I have the latest iPad mini (6). I’ve kept pace with all upgrades to both the IOS and foreflight.

While I was flying today, I noticed a notable delay as I clicked on airport info, or switching from maps to scratchpad, etc.

Has anyone else noticed a time delay? I’ve got the 256gb model iPad mini 6, FWIW
I have not noticed a slowdown but I know others have.
No problems with any 4th Gen iPad mini and Foreflight. Battery does go fairly fast but 12v chargers make that a non issue. I literally only use it for Foreflight and inflight IFE and otherwise it sits idle. Coming from Android I really dislike how it's stuck with all these random apps and everything is tied to my Apple account while I can run an android product off a burner account. Apple feels a lot more like "you HAVE to do it this way" and I don't even use a cellular plan just run it off my phone's internet or the airplane's wifi as the Cessna's I fly have transponders it can connect to. That is pretty cool and allows me to put the bare minimum in money and effort into having an ipad for Foreflight and Navigraph.

On that note, the vast majority of features on Foreflight don't really matter to me. Flightradar24 already tracks my flights accurately enough if I care, the planes have TCAS, ect. Charts, frequencies, airspace and weather are nice. Both times I've flown with other club pilots recently, they were like "you aren't going to spend 5 mins with the engine running setting it up Foreflight to enable all these parameters to be tracked?". I was like "Uh, it knows where we are and I can get airport info. Mission accomplished" lol. I don't even have a mount for it. I used paper charts until last year, I just look at it for reference the same way I'd look at a chart. There is enough magenta • in the plane if I need it, but the GPS in most of these planes is very expired since everyone has Foreflight LOL.
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No issues on my iPad mini 6. It runs as advertised.

Did you trying the old reboot, and or delete and reinstall ForeFlight?
I have an iPad Pro 2020 and yes, it’s really bad, last several months I’d say. Massive delays and freezing when switching between tabs, to the point that I’ve had multiple frustrations in the cockpit. If I was a 500 hour pilot and at all behind the plane, it could easily be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Surprised it isn’t being talked about more in GA circles.