Flight Safety Time?


New Member
I have a question to any FSI grad
I got my Aircraft Dispatchers ticket from FSI in NY and I was VERY happy with the training. I have been a dispatcher for 5 long years

I am just about to sign the papers to attend the Pro Pilot program in Vero.
Here's my question : it seems that if you do not want to do the instructor route that you leave FSI with VERY little time, Far then than some of the competition. Now I realize that the quality of training may far exceed that of the competition. Can anyone steer me in the right direction. I am an airline dispatcher and I know a lot about the industry.
In my opinion, Flight Safety does an excellent job training people to become competent and safe pilots. The training is so much better than I ever got at my local FBO. You will pay a higher price for this training though. If you want to do your training based solely on price/hours built, you might as well toss out all of the academies. You will be able to build more hours at an FBO because you can repeat lessons as much as you like until you've built your hours. I personally wanted to do the training with the minimum hours(141) required, letting some one else pay me to build them later. Good luck with your decisions.
: it seems that if you do not want to do the instructor route that you leave FSI with VERY little time,

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I think that you could say that about any program whether you did it at an FBO or an Academy. Even if your just talking about minimums (141 vs. 61), there isn't much difference btwn 190 and 250 hrs in the grand scheme of things. Right now, instructing seems like the best option for building time towards that first (non-instructing) job in aviation.

If you're talking about some sort of program where you would build a ton of time in a 172 or some other single-engine plane, I would be wary. While you might end up with a bunch of total time, the quality of your time won't be as great in the eyes of an airline interviewer. Also, IMHO, you will learn much more about flying than you did during training because you will be responsible for teaching it to a student. I know that from my personal experience, a lot of what I learned has slipped away because of lack of use and the fact that there's a lot to learn in a short period of time.

I'm starting my CFI in July at FSI and I hope to get hired, but I do also plan on instructing elsewhere while waiting for a callback (fingers crossed, knocking on wood, etc.!
) In today's climate, there isn't an "easy" way to the right seat. Maybe that's a good thing...

Just my opinion,
Even if your just talking about minimums (141 vs. 61), there isn't much difference btwn 190 and 250 hrs in the grand scheme of things.

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I agree...60 hrs doens't mean anything, you want to get the best training you can. Training that will help you get a job as a CFI where you'll get alot more hours and see the insignifacance of 60 hrs.

Let's say you do a "get-fast" CFI program and come out with 250 hrs with little knowledge. You might have a tough time in interviews, and yes...The 3 CFI interviews I had all involved either flights or tests/oral quizzing. You might be sitting around for 2-3 months looking for a job while someone who came out of a solid program got the CFI job and did those 60 hrs while you were sitting around looking for a job.

I'm not saying FSI is your only option, but I had 3 interviews for CFI jobs and got an offer each time. Personally I felt FSI prepared me well and 60 hrs is a drop in the bucket in the larger picture.

Also, with your experience in the dispatch program at FS you know how the organization runs....It's a solid place.
Thanks much for pointing me in the right direction!!!!!
I have one follow up question
I visited Gulfstream a few months ago and I was really turned off by the
campus and by the guy who was not giving me a tour, for two hours was just defending the "buying the time" thing. He didn't answer any of my questions he just danced around them. Seemed very strange to me.
Do employeers look down on people who buy airline time? ie Gulfstream.
While some may frown on it, I doubt if two CFIs who walked in the door with the same instructor ratings and 1200TT and 200 Multi and 1 had 200 Turbine time and the other did not I doubt the fact that you decided to spend some money at gulfstream to build time they would pick the other CFI who has no turbine over the one who does.. Personally I dont see any difference for paying money for building time in a Multi-engine vs Turbine, and while some people might be content working as a CFI to build hours, their are some people who I know who have no wish to teach and paying to build time is a practical alternative.

Just my .2 cents worth....

From what others have said,The employer could care less. The pilots that will be on the hiring board though probably will frown upon it becuase they feel it is PFT and takes a job from someone else. Just do a search for gulfstream or PFT and you will get a lot of info.
Not sure about the PFT, but I know my employer looks at where people are trained. They definitely care where the CFI training is done. I have seen several resumes go right to the shredder because they did a quickie CFI course (like ATP’s 14 day CFI, CFII, MEI). These folks had more time, but lost the job opportunity to folks with quality part 61 or 141 CFI training.
Low time is one of the problems of the 141 schools. If it makes you feel any better, you will probably have more time than you think when you graduate. Hours add up due to repeated lessons, weather problems, ATC delays, pleasure flying, etc.

If you don't want to instruct, I'd look into doing an internship. You might also want to find out if you can get an interview with your current employer with lower total time than published for outsiders.

Good luck.
One guy who recently did into the intership program (fresh out of his CFI training) walked out 90 days later with a G4 type rating and a right seat job in a G4.
Bear in mind he has less than 300 hours.

Do you think he's going to come back and instruct when his number is called?
Thanks much for all the info
One more for the current or FSI Grads
Would you suggest staying in the dorms or off campus??? or any general living or flying or class suggestions that might help out would be great!!!!!!!
Thanks again
Most people live in the dorms when they first arrive to Vero, then move off campus.

I lived on-campus for one month which was nice, then moved off campus to Cantebury place apartments and shared a two bedroom apt. Alot of the foreign airline contract students stay their whole time in the dorms.
Stay away from Vero Beach Landings North. I stayed there while attending Flightsafety and the owner lied about the date I sent my termination letter to him. He is still holding my security to this day. Just a heads up.