First real job advice


Well-Known Member
So I'm within just a few months of finishing my degree in aviation management, and I'm starting to send out apps and resumes for entry level jobs. Currently I'm not interested in regionals, but I have at the moment three potential possibilities and I'm trying to decide which one would be the most beneficial, so I thought I'd see what you guys all thought. I haven't been officially offered any of these jobs yet, but I have connections and good recommendations with all of them so my chances are decent. Mainly though I just want to know where I should look.

My current times:
Just under 1300 TT with all the part 135 mins covered
140ish ME
100 instrument with about 25 being actual
50 dual received while right seat in a King Air C90

Job #1:
Part 135 Freight
Advantages: Lots of time building for resume
Disadvantages: Not so good pay and typical freight dawg schedule

Job #2:
FO on King Air 200 for air ambulance
Advantages: Excellent pay for entry level pilot (at this particular company), long times off (6 on 6 off), turbine time with PIC potential within a year or two.
Disadvantages: Not much time building (10-20 hrs/month) if I ever wanted to change jobs, chance that plane could be replaced for PC-12 within a few years for operating costs.

Job #3:
Chief Pilot for a state law enforcement agency
Advantages: Fly brand new Cessna T206H with G1000 and FLIR, good pay and relatively low cost of living, potential of lots of variety and fun flying (manhunts, personnel transport, search and rescue, other law enforcement activities, training officers to be backup pilots), basically be my own boss
Disadvantages: All single-engine piston time, no guarantee of how much time (agency has never utilized aircraft for these purposes before so I would be the first person filling this position), good pay but potential for advancement slow and limited

Anyway, my long-term goals are to have a decent paying (not necessarily six-digit) job within aviation, so I'm trying to decide which of the above jobs everyone would suggest at this point.

I'd go with the freight job. Lots of opportunities available when you start racking up ME time. 10-20 hrs a month isn't enough for the Air Ambulance thing. The third job sounds pretty cool, but I bet you get a lot more time with the freight job.
If you've got a girlfriend go with the air ambulance. If you wanna be a pilot go with the freight. I'm glad I have though I tend to talk to myself (I've heard all of my stories) more than others since I sleep when the world turns

You probably want to check out the requirements for being a C.P. You don't meet them unless theres some different reg's covering State run affairs.
If you want to be a pilot, as others have said, I would go with the frieght deal. Although the air ambulance operation may seem attractive due to turbine, there are disadvantages such as those listed. If they pick up a PC-12, while a nice aircraft, you are losing that multi time. Also, not everyone is cut out for that type of flying. It can be very difficult on someone mentally from what I have heard. Shooting an IFR approach just over mins. with a patient screaming in the back because of pain, or worse.

The law enforcement job would be a slick deal as well! However, it may not be the best if you want to fly bigger aircraft. But if you are content to get paid to fly, carry a firearm and work for a type of government, it would be great. Not to mention the bennies will be sweet I am sure.

Would be a tough choice for me! Good Luck!
I would say job #1 or job #3. If it's a good 135 gig I would probably lean that direction. However I wouldn't discount the possibilities of job #3. Someone already mentioned schedule and benefits, but there could be a lot to gain from building a program from the ground up. I would think management experience like that would look good on your resume for any corporate type gigs down the road regardless of what type of aircraft you fly. It really depends whether you feel you are up to the task. Obviously this type of work will require more than just flying skills. Personally I think I'd enjoy the challenge. Good luck it sounds like you've put yourself in a good position.
[cheesy game show voice]

Choose Door #1!

[/cheesy game show voice]

But seriously, the freight gig is what will open up the most doors for you in the long run.

With the 206 gig, as has been mentioned, the pay/schedule/management experience would be good for you, but at the same time, a couple years from now, if you take that option, you'll be sitting on a high TT but low multi, low turbine, and might have to go fly freight for a while anyway, in order to move in to whatever corporate or air ambulance gig you want.

Just don't look at the freight thing as a long-term deal. Do it for a year or two and if you like it, great, if not, you've racked up a bunch of good experience and can move on to something else...maybe even that state agency if they get another opening.
If it were me, I'd choose job 3. Why? Because you get to define the job since you'd be the first one doing it!
Job #3:
Chief Pilot for a state law enforcement agency
Advantages: Fly brand new Cessna T206H with G1000 and FLIR, good pay and relatively low cost of living, potential of lots of variety and fun flying (manhunts, personnel transport, search and rescue, other law enforcement activities, training officers to be backup pilots), basically be my own boss
Disadvantages: All single-engine piston time, no guarantee of how much time (agency has never utilized aircraft for these purposes before so I would be the first person filling this position), good pay but potential for advancement slow and limited

I know all the law enforcement agencies in CA require you to be a "regular" cop for a while before being allowed to apply for the promotion into the flight department. How did you get this opportunity?
I know all the law enforcement agencies in CA require you to be a "regular" cop for a while before being allowed to apply for the promotion into the flight department. How did you get this opportunity?

Well, it's an interesting situation. The agency mentioned totally revamped their aviation program, and it's a smaller agency (MUCH smaller than CA), so the entire state only has one aircraft. They used to own a 182 that they used only for patrol purposes, but they completely changed the program, purchased this brand new T206H and equipped it with a FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) camera system. Their goal is to use the aircraft for multiple agencies within the state and possibly region (state patrol, Game and Fish, border patrol, etc.), so they need a "full-time pilot" to manage and fly the aircraft as well as train a couple of already officers to be backup pilots.

My brother is a state trooper for this agency and they found out about me through him, and they actually contacted me.
I'll echo the above posts that #1 will likely open more doors.

#2 might be a good deal if you want to stay in part 91 or fractional operations. But then again, #1 will open those doors too (and then some).

#3 sounds like a long-term career move. I suspect the "state agency" is not looking for a time builder, but rather somebody they can count on to be there for a number of years. 3000 hours in a C206 probably isn't going to be much of an eye catcher if you're hoping to apply at a major airline or fractional. Then again, it might give you an edge if you want to fly Caravans out of the San Juan Islands next.

PanJet said:
Anyway, my long-term goals are to have a decent paying (not necessarily six-digit) job within aviation

Pretty broad definition for a long-term goal! What is "decent paying?" Is that your only consideration? How much time are you willing to spend away from home? Are you willing to relocate in the future? Any job in aviation or do you want to be a flyer?

Nobody can tell you which job to choose. Not even yourself, unless you decide specifically where you want the journey to take you.
...Pretty broad definition for a long-term goal! What is "decent paying?" Is that your only consideration? How much time are you willing to spend away from home? Are you willing to relocate in the future? Any job in aviation or do you want to be a flyer?

I realize it's a bit broad. Basically for now I want to fly, but in the future I wouldn't mind a combination of flying and management or something similar like managing a small corporate or fractional deal. I always want flying to be a part of my career, just not always necessarily the only part of my career, but if that works out I'll take it too! ;)
I would choose job 3. Financially its probably the best. Long term, since its a government job, can you say PENSION?!?! You'll get a lot more real flying. and its probably not as dangerous as a frieght dog, nor as mundane as an airline pilot.

CHoose option 3, if you dont, refer me if its close to Cali. I would take it.
I would go with the freight flying, IF the company is decent! Some places are better than others when it comes to how well they maintain their aircraft. The experience you'll get from doing that kind of work will do wonders for your skills as a pilot. Personally I've been a freight dog, and I've done air ambulance after that. While I liked the air ambulance more, you do see some stuff that can be kinda messed up. But freight made me a better pilot, the company just did an exceptionally piss poor job of taking care of the planes, not to mention asking me to do things that were not smart, like asking to take off with a dead turbocharger in a chieftain.

So I'd say it depends on the place.