Fire hose drankin'

Re: Fire hose drankin\'

Never discount a good nights' sleep! Study hard, yes, but don't stay up all night doing it.
Re: Fire hose drankin\'

Pace yourself. Don't study too much at night. Study enough to feel confident, but get your sleep. Whenever you get a break, TAKE IT! Go out and party at least one weekend halfway through training to blow off steam and relax.

Training was difficult, but it wasn't so bad if you don't freak yourself out. Just pace yourself like the turtle... you know the story.
Re: Fire hose drankin\'

..shhh...its a secret
Re: Fire hose drankin\'

What will you be flying?

Go out and have a good time after class. Learn at least 3 limitations each day, and have your memory items down cold. They make posters of all the panels for whatever airplane you're going to be training in. Put the posters up in your room, and go through your flows and procedures, and you can do that with a beer or 2, and with other guys in the class.

Have fun, I still have a good time with the guys in my initial class.
Re: Fire hose drankin\'

"Is there any truth to Study, Cooperate and graduate??"

Yeah, that's about 95% of it. I never figured out what that other 5% is.
Re: Fire hose drankin\'

Seriously I would say pay as you go. And after you get your private license, split the cost of your flight training with other pilots who want to build their hours.
Re: Fire hose drankin\'

Get the gouge.

[/ QUOTE ]

Serious. Don't be afraid to play "20 Questions" with fellow students if they've done a checkride ahead of you. You'll save yourself a lot of headache later on!
Re: Fire hose drankin\'

I just finished three days of check rides and oral quizzes for the new job, it nearly kicked my ass BIG TIME... ( |---this close to losing the job---| but the one thing that saved me was my constant reading and in-depth understanding of the aircraft and systems and the relentless need for understanding how and why things are done. a I needed to know WHY the last thing you do as you are leaving the airplane in an emergency was hit the battery... ( the reason is the fire bottles won't blow when you hit the buttons before if you already hit the power)...


all said and done I am flying for the next 60days, with a punch card of things he wants to see me improve on, and If I accomplish that we are good to go. the transaction from the CE500 to the LJ35 was more difficult than I had expected.

My positive attitude to the job and the company kept me in the job. no two ways about it.

Oh and the day before my final Oral, our house was broken into and robbed, so you can imagine I was somewhat preoccupied..
Re: Fire hose drankin\'

Hey Eagle,

I just transitioned from the CE550B to the Hawker and the LJ. I hear ya man, the LJ35 is a whole different animal. I can surely say, it was a challenge.