New Member
Hey everyone,
I am on my way to graduating from Embry Riddle Prescott in December and am trying to get on my way to flight training at ATP in Jacksonville.
I don't think my problem is getting the loans for flight training in Jacksonville, but rather to consolidate all my student loans in to one big one. I currently have private (alternative) loans from Bank of America and a will have a loan from Key Bank (for flight). I am looking for suggestions on places to go to consolidate these loans. Obviously, ER was an Expensive school, and the MAX amount needs to be fairly high. Sallie Mae isn't going to work... I have already looked into it.
If anyone has any suggestions please let me know, If you need more information, let me know.
I am pretty concerned as being able to get over this hurtle makes the difference between continuing to flight school or not being a pilot. Obviously I would rather do the pilot thing.
I know other pilots have been in my situation and I am just looking for some guidence.
I am on my way to graduating from Embry Riddle Prescott in December and am trying to get on my way to flight training at ATP in Jacksonville.
I don't think my problem is getting the loans for flight training in Jacksonville, but rather to consolidate all my student loans in to one big one. I currently have private (alternative) loans from Bank of America and a will have a loan from Key Bank (for flight). I am looking for suggestions on places to go to consolidate these loans. Obviously, ER was an Expensive school, and the MAX amount needs to be fairly high. Sallie Mae isn't going to work... I have already looked into it.
If anyone has any suggestions please let me know, If you need more information, let me know.
I am pretty concerned as being able to get over this hurtle makes the difference between continuing to flight school or not being a pilot. Obviously I would rather do the pilot thing.
I know other pilots have been in my situation and I am just looking for some guidence.