Failed PEPC Medical?

I am getting ready to go to a PEPC soon and I am wondering with the Medical info do they automatically request your doctor's notes from back home??? I mean if I had Diabetes or any mental illness what is stopping me from simply not writing it down when I am at the PEPC?? Do they only pull your records if you state the information on the form? I went to my doctor back home like 6 years ago for anxiety and I don't want me checking that box now to hold up this already long process!!

If I were you I would ask the lady (or wrong of me to assume a nurse would be a woman) if you need to list conditions resolved more than 5 years ago...7 years ago...etc. I mean, I'm sure they don't expect you to list childhood stuff. So if she gives you the okay not to list it then at least you have something to fall back on if they say you lied.
A key to the medical process is DOCUMENTATION. If any of you have any serious medical concerns I would jump online and try to find a specific aviation medical examiner that can give first class medicals. Most of these guys know exactly what the FAA will and won't allow and with proper testing and documentation that its not a serious health concern your medical should fly through. I knew a pilot in arizona that was 84 or 86, he had flown bombers in WWII and still held a medical with some pretty serious heart problems. He just couldn't imagine not flying his trustworthy Biplane he built.
Best of luck to all
5 years, 7 years, 17 years, it doesn't matter. The form asks have you ever in your life had any of the following? If you want to check no and lie, they probably will not find out right away and you will be cleared. But you will have that cloud hanging over your head your entire career and realize that they WILL terminate you if it ever comes up... and all it will take is someone to do a little digging to find the info. When your MD diagnosed you with having an anxiety disorder there is a specific ICD-9 code (google it) that they indicate to the insurance company in order to be paid. I'm assuming you DID use an insurance company to pay for the visit, right? These are neatly kept in a computer system, and I'm sure are available due to the many release signatures you will provide throughout this process.

On the other hand, a history of anxiety could likely disqualify you. So, decide which option sounds better... there is a chance you could list it honestly if you have a doctor that is willing to go to bat for you and write up a hell of a letter stating it was an acute attack of anxiety caused by X,Y,Z and you are asymptomatic and require no further treatment yada yada yada. It would probably have to be the physician who TREATED you for the anxiety at the time... hope you didn't burn that bridge! :)
Most of these guys know exactly what the FAA will and won't allow and with proper testing and documentation that its not a serious health concern your medical should fly through.

I can promise you the FAA will consider a history of anxiety a VERY SERIOUS health concern. It would take some very convincing documentation from the treating physician (as I posted above) to alleviate the FAA's concerns about anxiety.
Well I am going to say I have had a history of anxiety. From what I am hearing they ask questions about it......they don't just throw your name out. I had issues about school and moving and all kinds of stuff in my senior year of high school. It wasn't a life long problem. My doctor has it documented in my record that it was not an ongoing issue. You just hear of so many people not making it through this process but I don't think my high school drama measures up to what I am reading about others. So hopefully all will be well.
And I used to be a Medical Coder!! I know all about ICD-9 codes. It was funny for you to mention that.
If you guys had any serious anxiety problems maybe you shouldn't be applying for this job. Otherwise if you lost a companion or moved...its natural to be upset for awhile geez folks :nana2: