
Whale watching over SCUPP
Does anybody know someone that's done this? My goal all along has been to get back to Seattle whether that be at Alaska, or other means due to proximity to family.

The description is very vague, but the pension is quite enticing. So are you essentially Alaska Airlines and the other little 135 carriers in the area's dispatch FAA representative?
I had a former boss that did it. He seemed to enjoy the job, from what I heard. They like to hire people that have experience with being a trainer and/or desk checker, IIRC. Good luck!
...too add to the uniform...you'll also need a tube of Brill Cream and a case of Camels.

I posted a few weeks back about the WA state job.... But it was only for INTERNALS at that time...now its open to public.
I know someone that did this work for a few years ...she said it was fun work but the "old boys" club super sucked. She finally quit.
So are you essentially Alaska Airlines and the other little 135 carriers in the area's dispatch FAA representative?

Actually you would be the Principal Operations Inspector for Alaska, any 135 carriers, any FAA approved dispatch schools in the area - I believe Green River Community College in Auburn falls under that umbrella. any dispatch centers - again I believe Boeing/Jeppesen has one in the area.

For me it would be a pay cut, even with paying IL state tax, rent and the hassle of commuting. Plus one would end up working the standard M-F gig. Do people actually enjoy that?
Plus one would end up working the standard M-F gig. Do people actually enjoy that?

Some people might like having weekends and holidays off, but yeah...at this point I wouldn't enjoy that. To me, that would seem to be the biggest drawback of ATC....from what I have read, they work a 5 on/2 off schedule with rotating shifts...definitely not much fun when you're used to a traditional major schedule with lots more days off than that.
I have a very good friend that made this move about 2 yrs ago, and another that did it about 10 months ago. From what I hear the schedule is totally liberating after you get through the first year of training and finish the FAA academy in OKC. They get to work from home 2-3 days/week or more. Of course all federal holidays and every weekend off. The pay is on par with most major airlines, one thing that these postings don't say is that you get automatically bumped up to FG-13 (GS-13) pay after one year and can usually get into FG-14 (GS-14) payband within 3-5 yrs. Those paybands with locality pay top out around 145k-170k/yr after 15 yrs. And the federal benefits for healthcare and retirement/pension are unmatched. The feds basically contribute/match about 17% of your pay each paycheck into 401k (TSP) and your pension fund. You get health care benefits for life after only 5 yrs of service. Tons of paid time off for vacations as well. You are basically the master of your own schedule, if you want the ability to schedule around your life and your family, then this job is for you! I think there has just always been huge unknowns about this job and that is why very few people from the dispatch industry have even considered applying to the FAA. But now that I have two friends on the inside explaining all the unknowns I previously had, it sounds like these are great positions to compete for!