Whale watching over SCUPP
If anyone is interested in making the jump over to the FAA side of the industry, there are currently TWO ASI-AD positions posted on USAJerbs.
Aviation Safety Inspector (Aircraft Dispatch) (in Des Moines, WA)
Aviation Safety Inspector (Aircraft Dispatch) (in Garden City, NY)
Pretty sure that you're going to have to pick up your own Sansabelt polyester slacks or pants-suit. Brown clip-on tie optional.
Cheers and good luck!
Aviation Safety Inspector (Aircraft Dispatch) (in Des Moines, WA)
Aviation Safety Inspector (Aircraft Dispatch) (in Garden City, NY)
Pretty sure that you're going to have to pick up your own Sansabelt polyester slacks or pants-suit. Brown clip-on tie optional.
Cheers and good luck!