F-18 Crash Near Mt. Rainier

Well, he "liked" the post. So figure worst case he's hanging from a tree *WITH* cell service.
Gotta pass the time somehow while you wait for the CSAR helo!

But in all seriousness I’m glad he’s still with us, but also I imagine that’s a small community and I’m sorry for the loss they may be going through right now.

All the news articles are saying no pilots or wreckage have been found still since yesterday which feels pretty ominous :( , but hoping for a miracle that the crew could still be found alive. They have a fairly narrow search area defined by a TFR due east of Mt Rainier along VR-1355.

I wonder if they were flying a low level training route down in the trees or if they were up at altitude when whatever happened… happened.
Hopefully the crew comes out ok.
Thanks for the concern guys. This is very true inigo, much smaller than the F/A-18/VFA community was. I'll hold my comments until names and more info is released, but it has been a pretty solemn 24 hrs at Whidbey.
Are you in 129 or 209? Yesterday I was hoping you were in 209 or 129.

Dammit I hate it when I see “missing” in a PAO briefing.