Exploring new options.....


The New Guy
This is my first post on the website. I really enjoy reading things that other people have posted and find most of it very helpful. I'm 30 years old and working in law enforcement. I statrted flying when I was 14 and never finished. I logged about 50 hours before I ran out of cash and had to go to college. I went into law enforcement because I thought that was my calling. I don't hate my job by any means, but have come to realize that this isn't what I want to do. I someday want to fly for a corporate aviation company.

I realize that i'm not getting any younger and have alot of training ahead of me. Just curious how many people out there have switched careers in mid life. I plan on getting back in the left seat sometime this year and get the ball rolling while keeping my full time job. How hard is it to obtain a corporate flying job with only a two year degree? Any and all suggestions are welcomed.
I'm working on an A.A.S. in Aviation Management on the side while I work full time. It involves flying on the weekends. It's a bit of a hassle flying on the weekend because if the weather is bad, that's that. You don't fly. It's also tiring sometimes trying to study after working a full day. I plan on obtaining a CFI at some point and then making the jump to do that. I'm at a point in my life where I have a steady income and can make the switch with little consequences. I also am not racking up a lot of debt doing flying.

I don't know much about getting a corporate flying job with a two year degree, but I recommend trying to finish up your schooling and get a four year degree. It doesn't have to be in anything aviation related.

Sorry my post wasn't much, but I felt like at least typing something. Try browsing around in other threads to see what you can find out about others who have made a jump.
I am/was in a similar poistion as you, only a year older. I started flying at 26, got through PPL/IR then stopped. havent flown in going on two years andam trying to get back into it, finish up and hopefully CFI part time.

Here is what I know, which is not much. You are by no means middle aged, because if you are I am and I dont want to be yet. In terms of flying, you have over 30 years of useful life left, pleanty of time to do anything you want. In aviation, it is more who you know than what you know, especially on the corporate side. Network your ass off and I dont believe only having a two year degree will be a hinderance. You can get your BA, it can only help and if you wanted to make the jump to the airlines side it would be a huge help.

There is no rush, if you can fly once or twice a week while working full time and paying as you go, perfect. Save up as much as you can while doing so then make the jump to CFI, full or part time. If you can swing doing it on the weekends while working full time and are not in a rush I think you might be happier. CFI's dont make much and as we get older, it is harder to go bk to living like 18-22 year olds. You can always get a part time job though to supplement the CFI pay though depending on what your bills are like.

Use the CFI gig to network into a corporate, freight or charter job.

Good luck and have fun!!
In regards to your first post K902, I would say it is def not too late to switch careers at atll! I understand that you work in law enforcement and you'rel looking for a change, and one thing that I would recommend is possibly getting a degree in something that fascinates you. You say you have always loved flying and it's something of interest to you, then I would highly recommend looking into a program that is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals of flying. In the same sense I have used sites like http://www.logisticsdegree.net in order to obtain information about a degree I might want to get and more importantly, what I can do with that degree. I think that it's very important to weigh your options and see what is out there for you.

There are tons of resources on the web that can give you information on who to speak with, what programs to look into and also how much money you can make while doing these programs. Even when on Google and you look at different sites that offer short term programs in aviation like http://www.aviationschoolsonline.com/ I feel they could be a major help in your transition to a new career.

I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck!

I have, but there isn't many departments in WI that have aviation units. We have a 10 year old in school now so i'm hoping to get my rear in gear and hopefully by the time he is done I we will be able to relocate if necessary. I also hope to have all my ratings and some decent time under my belt by then if not before. Thinking its easier to for me to pay as I go and do my training while still working full time....we'll see :)

Thanks everyone for the replys, I know i'm not the only one who has been in this boat before!!
Having changed from full time flying to LE I can say this, don't quit to finish your ratings, continue working while flying. And build the connections in the area.
Having changed from full time flying to LE I can say this, don't quit to finish your ratings, continue working while flying. And build the connections in the area.
Why did you quit flying and what made LE appealing to you??
The commute from west to east was difficult, and when I moved back west no west coast airline was hiring, not even Amflight. I had done a ride along with a friend in the department when I was a freshman in college. It also was important to me that I was in the city I am from. I enjoyed it very much so when I was thinking about leaving and could not find any flying I spoke with him. I knew I did not want to sit behind a desk. I started the testing process and before I knew it 5 plus years later here I am. One of the hardest things is I do not fly as much as I would like. It comes in waves. I still teach, ferry. I am networking to get my foot in the corporate arena.
The commute from west to east was difficult, and when I moved back west no west coast airline was hiring, not even Amflight. I had done a ride along with a friend in the department when I was a freshman in college. It also was important to me that I was in the city I am from. I enjoyed it very much so when I was thinking about leaving and could not find any flying I spoke with him. I knew I did not want to sit behind a desk. I started the testing process and before I knew it 5 plus years later here I am. One of the hardest things is I do not fly as much as I would like. It comes in waves. I still teach, ferry. I am networking to get my foot in the corporate arena.
Its great to hear from other people that are involved in flying and LE. I don't hate my job by any means, but just hope that someday I can fly in some type of corporate setting...The part of my current job that I dislike is dealing with the same dirtbags over and over and them only getting a slap on the wrist....
I can understand about the DA, we have the same issue here. We have some other big things, but what it comes down to is I can not do anything about those. I can though, go out do my job, learn, lead and at this point I will promote just not now I am enjoying the streets! It truely is amazing how horrible people can be, and what certain people do in society and think its right. Keep working on the ratings, build the hours and you might be able to do both at the sametime.