"Expect" ILS


Well-Known Member
ATC tells you to expect the ILS 24. In your last clearance they gave you, it does take you to the VOR IAF for the ILS but the rest of your clearance takes you to another victor airway. Nowhere close to the LOC course (opposite direction actually). Frequency is congested and you approach the VOR, cross it, what do you do?

I say, fly the airway in your last clearance. You havent been cleared anywhere else regardless of what they told you to "expect". Another CFI said he'd joing the feeder route for the ILS.

You say?
Yeah I agree with you. Id fly the clearance i was given. I wouldnt begin the approach until I was Cleared for the ILS
its in the regs, frequency congestion to the point where you can't communicate is the same as loss of radio contact. fly the route in this order

If I follow you right, they just cleared you direct or gave your vectors direct to the VOR, which serves as the expected approach's IAF. However they could be sequencing you, and just happen to be using the VOR to help coordinate. So once you hit the VOR, fly the airway in your clearence. Follow AVEF, it never fails ya.

Maybe Im not thinking straight right now, but if you are flying IFR I don't see the need or a situation where you'd need to fly an airway(s) past a VOR within 15 or so miles of your destination anyway.

Where Im not sure.....If it was your final fix before the aiport, do you hold, and if so, how do you enter? Different approaches for the same airport may dictate a different hold at the fix. I realize it wouldn't take that long before you got some room on the radio, but Im curious for lost comms.
you would only have to hold if that was your clearance limit. Even if that was the last fix before the airport you are still cleared to the airport