End of the Line

That was a/c 318, if it helps. It was quite sad walking in that hangar with all the 340s in various states of repair. Twas a good airplane.
It's worse, because I see them every time I pass through IAH. Most of our old birds are down there flying for Colgan. Nice to see them in the CAL scheme I guess, but nothing will ever replace that Chicago skyline in my opinion!

The pay sucked, the work rules kinda sucked, and the destinations weren't all that great... but man that was a fun job. My own little "good ol' days" I guess. :( I'd give up the ERJ for an ATR72 or SF340 tomorrow!!
adreamer said:
Why you would like to fly SF340 or ATR72 than ERJ? just wondering

I'm guessing because you actually had to 'fly' them. No setting the AP after liftoff. I would imagine the commaderie (sp?) as well.
It was just more fun. Dunno. Hand flew the airplanes more. Flew down in the weather, instead of just cruising above it. Had to fly via VOR navigation, none of this fancy FMS stuff. We could take the Saab and yank and bank it, smoothly, like a Cessna 152 in the pattern. Plus, I don't know if it was the whole "misery loves company" stuff, but everyone seemed to be much more relaxed and laid back on the Saab. Same as how I hear the ATR days were here at the current job. The former company (including mainline) was more like a family, fun, relaxed. Less uptight.

Too bad the money and days off aren't anywhere close to competitve at places like the above. Can't make $100K with 17 days off at any turboprop operator I know of.
Oh yeah, if the pay was better and the aircraft better maintained, I'd be back in the 1900 in a heartbeat. Flying was fun back then.