Encore check ride gouge

Matt Walker

New Member
I'm currently at flight safety in Wichita in Encore school and was wondering if anyone had a gouge for the test/check ride for the Encore?
Based on my experience at FlightSafety for a different airframe, they will prep you for precisely what will occur on the check. There was nothing on the checkride that hadn't all ready been practiced numerous times on the sims leading up to the check.

For my check, in the brief, the examiner told us specifically which EPs were going to occur, when, and in what sequence. What happened in the box stuck to that plan exactly -- there were no surprises.

I know that doesn't help your case specifically, but IMHO it was one of the easier checkrides I've had in my career. Very to-the-point.
I haven't been through the ICT FSI Encore, but I've been through 135 297/293 stuff at other centers on the Encore.
Obviously know the limitations and memory items. Thats the main thing they will ask you. Its also good to know what is the cause of each annunciator, and what it means. So actually knowing the systems will help there. They will probably touch on some of the main systems, like Hydraulics, Pressurization, Electrical. Nothing to crazy, just to make sure you have a basic understanding. Like , can you run the HYD system on 1 pump? What is an open center system? Usually they don't go to far into specifics for initials.

As for the SIM portion, its all the exact same stuff you will have seen before. 1 Emergency item at a time, and then the standard low vis abort, v1 cut to a relight, stalls, steep turns, you'll do a circle to a landing.Then probably vectors to an ILS, go missed, lose and engine, can't relight, return for single engine ILS. Land, take off fly a GPS go missed, maybe do a zero flap landing. Most are pretty similar and you'll have already practiced it all.
Call 1-800-BUYATYPE and ask to speak to your region's customer service rep. They'll get you all sorted out.

Seriously though, If you've never been through one of these before, FSI, CAE and Simcom are hand holders. Yes you gotta know your stuff, but unless you're a complete bumbling idiot, you're not likely to be pink slipped. They always do a "pre-checkride checkride" they day before. Lots of times the ride itself is a LOFT type scenario, and even more so because FSI is doing things in an operational dayflow type environment.

As for Oral, know the answer or where to find it. Remember normal ranges are green.. most instructors not too picky about picking numbers off the top of your head. Use the cockpit posters, reference the checklists (especially abnormal/emergency) and be sure to be able to recall memory items.

Oh, and ask the instructor to tell you lots of war stories and coffee/bathroom breaks often.
As stated before, you won't have a problem unless you demonstrate an absolute lack of effort. FSI & CAE are customer driven businesses.

Memory items and limitations are a must. Everything else is just systems knowledge and understanding of normal and abnormal operations.

The flying portion is always the same. Air work, followed by some approaches (of which you will have already flown, usually all at JFK) with some abnormals. Follow your memory items and checklists and you'll be fine.

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There will be no surprises on an FSI checkride. As many have stated, know the limitations and memory action items, know what turns on what annunciator,etc. Use all the resources they've given you or make your own. There's apps out there to create flashcards if that works for you (it does for me) or do it the old way with some real 3x5 cards.

It seems daunting now, but by the end of your course, you'll know it from the heart. Flightsafety makes sure of it. Pay attention, study the material as it's given ( don't get too far ahead, in other words) and just keep hammering at it. Good luck. The Citation is a good airplane and very simple systems-wise. But some of its systems are the basis for all other turbine aircraft systems, so it's good to learn it now. Good luck.