EMS and Deregulation Act


EMS opertors have charge a constantly increasing amount for their services as part of Deregulation. The question is whether there is true competition when a patient is incapacitated in an ER or on the road side. Somebody else is making the call and the consumer (patient) is not.

It'll be interesting to see where this goes.
And that raises the whole question of whether or not a patient should truley be a consumer in the market....But that's more a discussion for the lav ;)
And that raises the whole question of whether or not a patient should truley be a consumer in the market....But that's more a discussion for the lav ;)

And if the alternative is better, given how corrupt single payer systems are in the US.
IHS certaintly isn't a shining example of how a single payer system should work...Nor is the VA

When you have a small risk pool with relatively little financial resources combined with higher risk users, you're not going to get much out of it.
IHS certaintly isn't a shining example of how a single payer system should work...Nor is the VA

No doubt. I want a single payer system. But in context, EMS transport companies are amongst the worst for exploiting the system.
No doubt. I want a single payer system. But in context, EMS transport companies are amongst the worst for exploiting the system.

Boy, you've got a nice practice with alot of patients set up here in "town named after rapid horse locomotion," But I bet you'd have more in **cough cough** big city town, and don't worry, we can still bring your old patients to you.
Boy, you've got a nice practice with alot of patients set up here in "town named after rapid horse locomotion," But I bet you'd have more in **cough cough** big city town, and don't worry, we can still bring your old patients to you.

Slightly less corrupt than 'Just sign this 'medically necessary transport' paperwork so we can bill the Government for your patient with the cut finger, and we'll send you your cut'.