Emergency Management Career?


New Member
Anyone with a degree or experience in the field of Emergency & Disaster Management? I'm thinking of getting my masters in it and perhaps either working for a city/state or the g-men. Just looking for any opinions.
You could work for FEMA:rotfl:
Seriously,I have studied Emergency Management, for the fire officer cert, and have taken a couple of classes on it, no degree or anything. It is a valuable skill to have.

There is a lot of preplanning, scenario based exercises, practical exercises mutual aid agreements, a lot of asset lists, charts, blue prints etc. You need a working knowledge of the ICS system, asset capabilities and status, the list goes on and on.

At Midway (PMDY) I helped write and maintain the Airport Cert Manual and Airport Emergency Plan.
Hey I wouldn't mind working for FEMA, they pay their emergency scene managers over 100K. I work as a technology consultant now and have always wanted to be a volunteer fire fighter and I was looking to join the local civilian first response team. It just seems like something in demand with all the natural disasters and human disasters that never stop happening. FEMA has a whole free online training program you can take and if you pass a bunch of them you get at least an A.S. degree, but I was also looking into the M.A. degree in Emg Management at George Mason when I move back to norther virginina later this year.
My Future FIL works for a contractor. He writes emergency/disaster/evac plans for major cities.
The only reason I was poking fun at FEMA was because I had recently taken an Ethics and Stakeholder management class and I remember my Prof using FEMA's response to Katrina as a discussion topic and quoting President Bush to the FEMA director "You're doing a hell of a job..." There was a certain irony in that statement.
anyone know what kinda of experience or education one needs? I see FEMA has a whole online training course for free on stuff like this, you even earn college credits for completing each course.
anyone know what kinda of experience or education one needs? I see FEMA has a whole online training course for free on stuff like this, you even earn college credits for completing each course.
My old alma mater, Hesston College, has a emergency disaster management degree you can get.
ya i was looking at master and master certification programs, George Mason in northern VA has one, which is hopefully where I'll be moving back to by the end of the year.