Dinner with a friend


Apparently a "terse" writer
Staff member
Tonight, I had dinner with a friend from my employer. In fact, he also lives in PHX and we both ended up in the commuter hotel van simultaneously.

We both went next door to Bennigans here in Irving and talked a pretty long time about a lot of stuff.

First, I showed up pretty pissed off because when I logged in to check my email and scan the jetcareers forums for updates, some posts kind of 'got my goose' [Specifically "Who's In Sanford (Part Duex)"] and I didn't have the standard "Doug Taylor Smile (tm)" on my face.

We talked a lot this evening about the things we both did to get to where we are. I chose the regional route where I instructed, flew whatever popped up, regional fo, captain and then onto the majors. Where he flew F-4's on ready-alert in Germany, F-15's in the training command and later F-16's at Luke before retiring and getting hired by an airline.

He looks at my youth (he's 49) and thinks of what I'll see in my career, whereas I look back in his experience and think about how cool it must have been to fly during the cold war, flying nap of the earth across Europe and training an brand new generation of pilots to protect our great nation in F-16C's.

I talked a lot about my website and some of the more recent examples of "entitlementism" that have been popping up and the poor guy nearly vomited.

Me as well.

There are no shortcuts in this industry.

Never have been.

Probably never will be.

Because despite what we all think, Commercial multi-engine instrument certificates are a dime a dozen. They are now and perhaps always will be.

You can't "buy" your way into this profession although there are many people, organizations and companies whereever that may profess that they can "sell" a shortcut into the business, but their interests only go as far as your available credit.

Why do I say this?

Because, even though I'm an FO at the worlds third largest airline, I've been where you are and devoted most of my free time to spread the word in order to save you from emotional and financial strife on your pursuit of where you want to go.

Hate me now for saying this, but I'm more than confident you'll believe me later. I guarantee it.

The only person that did it 'faster' than anyone else I know is Jetcareers' very own "FlyChicaga" but he captured the drive of what I based the website upon.

Self determination. Being responsible for yourself, capturing the experience of others and not veering from the "Network, Network, Network" mantra. In my book, "He's da man" if there ever was a man. He focused on a destination, stayed on target, and did it. Mad props to FlyChicaga, big time.

Am I saying all of this stuff to be negative?


Because I don't have any financial interest whatsoever in training choices that you make at all.
Doug I really apprecite the amount of time and energy you have put into trying to help us find the way. No one is paying you to do that, and that says a lot about you and the person you are to do it anyway. Thanks. Hope I haven't contributed too much to you not having your tm smile on.
To piggy back on that, there is another aspect to this.

A lot of you get easily offended and have no problem firing off a flaming post at one another (again, see "Who's In Sanford (Part Duex)").

One of the things that I would look for in hiring a pilot is someone who handles pressure. Are you the kind of guy who can have an engine fall off, a wing fold up, and lose all electrical power without losing your head in the process? Based on what I have seen in the forums recently, there are many of you that I wouldn't want flying me in just such a situation.

Yes, you can write this off because I am not a pilot, but I do interview and hire engineers, and whether they be engineers or pilots, stress is stress, and even more than someone's degree or number of flying hours is how they handle stress. And just as important is how you handle criticism.

A big part of networking is remembering that the toes you step on today may be connected to the butt you are kissing tomorrow. Don't forget that. The airline industry seems to be getting smaller and smaller; chances are likely that you may run into one another at some point. The guy you are about to flame may very well be in a position to hire you one day. Think about that before you hit that "Submit" button...
Wow Doug, thank you. I appreciate the compliment highly. Makes the work worth it. Next time you have a long sit in ORD, dinner is on me.
Wow Doug, thank you. I appreciate the compliment highly. Makes the work worth it. Next time you have a long sit in ORD, dinner is on me.

[/ QUOTE ]

Chicaga, you are the man, believe me. And I mean that with the highest of all seriousness because I knew you when you were pre-internship, you stayed on message, did it right and hit it big.

'You da man' and I mean that.

BTW, I might be in ORD this weekend, PM me your # in case I end up reaching ORD.

See ya in the cockpit!
Can't wait to say, "After takeoff check" and "Hey, just where in the hell does the hotel pick up at, Chicaga?"
Chicaga, you are the man, believe me. And I mean that with the highest of all seriousness because I knew you when you were pre-internship, you stayed on message, did it right and hit it big.

'You da man' and I mean that.

BTW, I might be in ORD this weekend, PM me your # in case I end up reaching ORD.

See ya in the cockpit!
Can't wait to say, "After takeoff check" and "Hey, just where in the hell does the hotel pick up at, Chicaga?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Well thanks again Doug, that means a lot. I'll PM ya my number, I'm on reserve and only fly one short 6-leg trip Saturday morning.

"After takeoff check complete."
FlyChicaga I have to give it to you dude - what you have done was awesome!!! Your hard work really paid off and you deserve it. I take my hat of to you man - setting goals and achieving them is definately something I admire.

I look forward to more of your posts here - I am sure they will be very motivational to all.
FlyChicaga I have to give it to you dude - what you have done was awesome!!! Your hard work really paid off and you deserve it. I take my hat of to you man - setting goals and achieving them is definately something I admire.

I look forward to more of your posts here - I am sure they will be very motivational to all.

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No doubt! I'm definetly "old school" around here, almost of "Grandpa-esque" proportions, so it's up to the next generation to teach the mantra of "networking" instead of trying to purchase your way into this profession.

Good to see that I'll have someone to refer people to when they scream "Doug.... old man.. you dont' know what the [expletive] you're talking about"

"Oh yeah?" I'll reply, "Just ask 'Obi Wan Chicaga' or 'Darth Holmes' because they've been here from the git-go"

And Eagle-Eagle Binks... And Lando CalCopaman!

But I've got to send mad props out to MikeD because he was the guy that helped me seperate the "Riddle" propaganda and see that there's this entire other world of aviation other than what my instructors in PRC were telling me about.

I kind of thought MikeD/Daffy was nuts then, but I get it now!
No doubt! I'm definetly "old school" around here, almost of "Grandpa-esque" proportions, so it's up to the next generation to teach the mantra of "networking" instead of trying to purchase your way into this profession.

Good to see that I'll have someone to refer people to when they scream "Doug.... old man.. you dont' know what the [expletive] you're talking about"

[/ QUOTE ]

Well Gramps
, no doubt, it is sad to see people spending SOOOOOO much money to go to these school. Now don't get me wrong: I think most of these schools provide excellent flight training, and they provide a great service to those who have a means to pay for it. But to actively attract students out of high school with little or no savings is ridiculous. The "you don't need a degree... you just need an $80K loan" is ubsurd. The best thing I EVER did was get my four-year degree.

Don't believe the hype. You aren't going to be too happy making $18,000 a year trying to pay off a $80,000 loan, unless you had some sort of financial footing to help prop you up from the beginning (i.e. career changers and ex-military). I'm very happy I can use the money I would be spending on paying back an $80K loan and putting it into my 401(k)!

This industry changes overnight, but that doesn't mean you should forgo long-term planning. Think how things are going to be 10 years from now.
"Oh yeah?" I'll reply, "Just ask 'Obi Wan Chicaga' or 'Darth Holmes' because they've been here from the git-go"

And Eagle-Eagle Binks... And Lando CalCopaman!

[/ QUOTE ]

HEY.. what about little ol me???????

*sniff sniff* Don't I make a difference too???? I feel so left out.....

ohoh - whose in dat doghouse??? he is.. he is...

nah - just kidding... ha ha
Eek! You're going to make me cry! Eek!

You GET it you GET it you GET it!
Man o man!!

I wonder if FlyChigagaCareers.com is already reserved on Network Solutions?
Absolutely! Without an understanding and supportive Kristie, this website would have been as dead as "pets.com".

I spend most of my free time moderating the forums (along with my other moderators), thinking up new ideas and doing all of the secretarial work that revolves around keeping something there when you type in 'http://jetcareers.com'

Most other women would have cried "FOUL, you <expletive>!", but Kristie's been extraordinarily supportive when it comes to me geeking away at the keyboard when I could be fulfilling other....err....duties, ya know?

She puts up with me being gone 16 days a month, and then tolerates my junkie-like addiction to sitting in front of the laptop when I'm home. Whatta goil!

One of the things that I would look for in hiring a pilot is someone who handles pressure. Are you the kind of guy who can have an engine fall off, a wing fold up, and lose all electrical power without losing your head in the process? Based on what I have seen in the forums recently, there are many of you that I wouldn't want flying me in just such a situation.

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You'd love flying with me then, Copa. I'm too stupid to know when to be scared.......
But I've got to send mad props out to MikeD because he was the guy that helped me seperate the "Riddle" propaganda and see that there's this entire other world of aviation other than what my instructors in PRC were telling me about.

I kind of thought MikeD/Daffy was nuts then, but I get it now!

[/ QUOTE ]

Why thank you Doug. Just because I was trying to get you to go fly for Air America with me, or do aerial forest firefighting? Think I was nuts then.....I'm cynical nuts now!

No, I'm not going to steal my A-10 and plant it into a mountain in Colorado........
Right on Doug ! FC has done an outstanding job. I am just starting my Instrument Training and my eventual goal is to get to a Corp/Regional position. I may be to old to get to the majors (34), but I love the flying amd can't wait to do more. I am going up today to work on holding. I know another member asked when you'll make it to MSP, but if you do, holler, lunch is on me.

fly4free you need to change your name

Doug you have eloquently said what I have been trying to say. Thank you.