DFW Terminal A Construction Traffic


Well-Known Member
This is getting stupid. There is so much construction going on during the day that it takes forever to get to the terminals.

The buses try to cut through the other terminals and end up siting in more traffic.


/end rant
This is getting stupid. There is so much construction going on during the day that it takes forever to get to the terminals.

The buses try to cut through the other terminals and end up siting in more traffic.


/end rant
Take the B or D bus and ride the skylink.
What are they doing to A?

I think they are raising one of the bridges that the Dallas Transit train goes under. I was told that they have one that goes from the airport to Fort Worth now and the bridge wasn’t tall enough.

Edit: For those that haven’t been here:

The train tracks go through the middle of DFW Airport along with all the terminal traffic and toll road.

Additionally, for some reason the airport won’t let construction happen overnight past a certain hour so they have to do it during the day.