unlimited s3 for parents and six s2's? ASA and Comair pilot's don't even get that are you sure?
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Sorry, I was wrong on that about the parents. I had mailed off the copy of the benifits that I had and just grabbed a new copy from HR.
Employee, Spouse and Dependant Children/Full-time student:
On the 31st day of continuous Service, Employees and eligable family memebers recieve unlimited S3 domestic travel, 18 transoceanic, 6 / S-2 travel days.
Parents of married employees :
Parents receive 18 / S3B and depending on if the employee is married or not or has a travel companion, some transoceanic days can vary,. The 6 / S-2 days are available to parents of single employees without dependat children or traveling companions
if you need some specifics let me know.
S-2 would be of a higher priority than s-3, as fas as I am aware a revnue passenger is always going to have priority over a non-revenue passenger