Delayed Vectors to Final

Well to be honest Im not to sure either. I think you can request for times when your just so fast you can't slow down (gear?) or need more time to brief the approach. I really don't know just have heard it before from a freight dog.
I guess you could always let the controller know that you're just not ready yet and need a few minutes. Better to say something like that than rush the approach and get yourself into some trouble. :confused:
Well to be honest Im not to sure either. I think you can request for times when your just so fast you can't slow down (gear?) or need more time to brief the approach. I really don't know just have heard it before from a freight dog.

I think what you mean is a "delay vector".

You can ask tower for it, but they'll have to relay the request to approach. Might as well ask approach.
You can ask tower for it, but they'll have to relay the request to approach. Might as well ask approach.

That seems right - most of the time - if you ask tower they'll give you the standard missed approach instructions and tell you to contact approach.
You can ask for delayed vectors to final. If you're not ready and need some time to set yourself up, you can. But.... If you're in a high traffic airspace going to an high density airfield, you might want to refrain from doing it. Orlando Approach was awesome if you needed a delay. :rawk: Heck those guys were cool enough that if you were going on a check ride, they would tell you to put that in the remarks section when you filed for your IFR clearance. They would give you the easist vectors and put you way out to give you plenty of time to nail the approach.
Yeah, I'm familiar with delay vectors. It seems like we get them lots in ATL, NYC, PHL, and CLT.

Seriously, I used to tell my students to ask for them if they weren't ready or set up for an approach. Mostly used for the instrument rating. They were real good about it in Daytona.