Hey everyone,
I'm approaching the 20 hour mark in training for my private, and have been given the opportunity to switch from training in a C-172 to a new Diamond Ecclipse DA-20. I took the plane up the other day with my instructor and it was a blast to fly. The visibility was incredible because of the canopy, had the stick instead of the traditional yoke, electric trim (similar to the airlines, where there is the little tab on the yoke), GPS, and was just a blast to fly. It handled much easier than the 172, and I had more fun flying it. That, though, is what worries: that it is too easy to fly. My concern is learning to fly an easy aircraft, then getting on to a difficult one later in life and having a lot of trouble. My instructor and other instructors feel it should not be a problem, and I spoke with a United pilot who felt the same way. Also, though it may handle easier than the 172, there are a lot more systems and procedures (i.e. cylander head temperature gauge, fuel pump, etc.). Anyone have experience flying a DA-20 or can give any possible suggestions? Thanks.
I'm approaching the 20 hour mark in training for my private, and have been given the opportunity to switch from training in a C-172 to a new Diamond Ecclipse DA-20. I took the plane up the other day with my instructor and it was a blast to fly. The visibility was incredible because of the canopy, had the stick instead of the traditional yoke, electric trim (similar to the airlines, where there is the little tab on the yoke), GPS, and was just a blast to fly. It handled much easier than the 172, and I had more fun flying it. That, though, is what worries: that it is too easy to fly. My concern is learning to fly an easy aircraft, then getting on to a difficult one later in life and having a lot of trouble. My instructor and other instructors feel it should not be a problem, and I spoke with a United pilot who felt the same way. Also, though it may handle easier than the 172, there are a lot more systems and procedures (i.e. cylander head temperature gauge, fuel pump, etc.). Anyone have experience flying a DA-20 or can give any possible suggestions? Thanks.