
Well-Known Member
Do you think it is possible to become a CPA on the side to help out with the low pay of flying? Do you think most firms would pass you up?
I can't comment on your specific question, but I woud like to give you a suggestion to consider. I have a friend to works for H&R Block doing tax returns as a part time job. It works out very well in his situation. They trained him for each level of tax return and they only give you tax returns that you can handle. I.E., until you're trained to do the very complex ones, you don't get one of those. If you're interested in doing CPA type work, but don't want to invest the huge amount of time and money to obtain a CPA, something like that might at least give you an idea if you would enjoy that kind of work and also provide you with some discretionary income to supplement your full time pay.
Yes. I have an MBA in Finance & Accounting and have worked in accounting as well as flying. With my current position I do not, but in the past I did do both. You however, will not be picked up by a large firm but you can work at a mom and pop shop. Good luck.
Are you familiar with the requirements for obtaining the CPA designation? Most states require 150 hours of college level credit( with a minimum of bachelors degree), with somewhere in the ballpark of 24-30 hours of accounting credits plus additional business credits. Most states require a certain amount of experience working in accounting. I have also considered obtaining a CPA, for reasons different from yours, but not sure if I would be able to work for an accounting firm to get the required experience while maintaining my flying position.
I am planing on going for my Masters in Accounting which would fulfill my requirement in my state there is not working requirement I am looking at it more as a back up than a primary but would not mind a little extra cash. My current job is flying cargo so I am home all day and fly at night, sleep and fly back by 9am or 11 am for sure.
Keep in mind as well that there is on going education requirement once your a CPA to keep your license as well.
If you interest in Taxation (prepare tax return). You can self-study to be a Enrolled Agent. You need to pass 4 tests to become EA. Want more info, you can do search in google.