Confirm vs Verify


Well-Known Member
Is there any difference between "Confirm" and "Verify" or are they interchangable?

It has been my experience that controllers tend to us "Verify"
e.g. "Verify you have ATIS information Charlie"

and pilots tend to use "Confirm"
e.g. "Confirm Cessna 12345 is cleared to land on runway 28L"

Are these words synonymous?
Is there any difference between "Confirm" and "Verify" or are they interchangable?

It has been my experience that controllers tend to us "Verify"
e.g. "Verify you have ATIS information Charlie"

and pilots tend to use "Confirm"
e.g. "Confirm Cessna 12345 is cleared to land on runway 28L"

Are these words synonymous?

"confirm" is not in the pilot/controller glossary.
Found the answer at
It's a UK thing.

ACKNOWLEDGE Let me know you have received and understood this message.
APPROVED Permission for proposed action granted
BREAK Indicates the separation between messages
CANCEL Annul the previously transmitted message
CHANGING TO I intend to call…(unit) on…(frequency)
CHECK Examine the system or procedure (no answer normally expected)
CLEARED Authorised to proceed under the conditions specified.
CLIMB Climb and maintain
CONFIRM Have I correctly received the following…? Or Did you correctly receive this message?
CONTACT Establish radio contact with…(your details have been passed)
CORRECT This is correct.
CORRECTION An error has been made in this transmission (or message indicated) The correct version is…
DESCEND Descend and maintain.
DISREGARD Consider that transmission as not sent
FREECALL Call…(unit) (your details have not been passed—mainly used by military ATC)
HOW DO YOU READ What is the readability of my transmission
I SAY AGAIN I repeat for clarity or emphasis
MONITOR Listen out on (frequency)
NEGATIVE No; or permission not granted; or that is not correct
OVER* My transmission is ended and I expect a response from you
OUT* This exchange of transmissions is ended and no response is expected.
PASS YOUR MESSAGE Proceed with your message
READ BACK Repeat all, or the specified part, of this message back to me exactly as received.
REPORT Pass requested information
REQUEST I should like to know…or I wish to obtain
ROGER I have received all your last transmission.—under no circumstances should this be used in reply to a question requiring a direct answer---(AFFIRM or NEGATIVE)
SAY AGAIN Repeat all or the following part of your last transmission
SPEAK SLOWER Reduce your rate of speech
STANDBY Wait and I will call you
VERIFY Check and confirm
WILCO I understand your last message and will comply with it
WORDS TWICE Please send every word twice or I am sending every word twice.(because communication is difficult)
That isn't the answer, unless you're flying in the UK. :) "Confirm" is non-standard phraseology in the US and so should be avoided.

Yup, I realize that now. I've heard "Confirm" being used in the US though, but now I know that it is non-standard.
Is there any difference between "Confirm" and "Verify" or are they interchangable?

It has been my experience that controllers tend to us "Verify"
e.g. "Verify you have ATIS information Charlie"

and pilots tend to use "Confirm"
e.g. "Confirm Cessna 12345 is cleared to land on runway 28L"

Are these words synonymous?

I'm not sure what is "official" but I will tell you how I use them.

Say I issue you a clearance to cross a fix @ 10'000. Your 10 miles from the fix and have yet to descend... I state Verify you are crossing XXX @ 10K

Confirm I use for something I am trying to figure out, say I want to make sure you have the proper arrival route. I will say confirm routing to destination or something to that affect. I guess they are interchangeable, I have never really thought about it.

I know that is probably not the answer you are looking for ...