I got to talk to someone who was on that flight, and he said that it really was pretty uneventful. I asked him if there was any buffeting before they hit Mach 1 and went beyond it, and he said no. In fact, he said that if they didn't announce it, you wouldn't have known that it was supersonice.
A couple of things he noted that were different, though, was how small the cabin is. It is a 2+2 seating arrangement, and it's pretty tight. You can't use your seatback tray and sit comfortably. Also, he said that if you are taller than 6'2" or so, you'd have to duck to get on.
The other thing he noticed was on takeoff. He said that you really get pushed back in your seat when Concorde accelerates.
I asked him whether he got to take a look in the cockpit but he didn't get to answer me because we were interrupted. I know it's not a glass one, but I'd like to hear about what it looked like.
BTW, Doug, there was one of your colleagues on that flight who proposed to someone.