If anyone is in the Columbus Ohio area (KCMH) and knows of a good place to rent an aircraft this weekend, please let me know as I will be there and well...I want to go flying...thanks
Lane aviation is there their phone number is 614 237-3747 , there is also Bolton Flying Service not sure if they rent or not but their number is 614 878-2961. Good luck. You are gonna be in my neck of the woods!
Since i am broke'ish' I am going to have to wait to take my flight training til I can get it through OSU. =( I will be flying come winter or spring quarter depending if I can scrape enough money together to get my ground school out of the way before I am admitted in winter. I am going to apply for a position at Lane Aviation flight marshalling. Maybe i will be seeing you guys there.
I might be able to make it down there Sat. afternoon/evening. Not Sunday I don't think though...I'm going to take advantage of my last two days off till Turkey Day and go up to New York to see the family.
Well anywho, I am flying into CMH Saturday AM and leaving Monday PM and hopefully will get a checkout somewhere on the field so I can do some aviating..any JCers in the area wanna meet up..send me a PM
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