So, there I was. Flying along in IMC when the controller clears me direct to a fix, then as filed. I query him, "direct (fix) then direct (destination)". He says no, cleared direct to the fix, then another fix, then another fix, then destination. I said "ok, well I filed direct". The response was something along the lines of "well what was your clearance?". I read the clearance as given to me by clearance delivery (different from what I filed) and he just repeats the previous sentence (several different fixes, only one of which was on my original clearance).
My question is: When "cleared as filed" am I cleared as I originally filed on the flight plan (direct) or am I cleared via whatever clearance delivery gave me? I guess I should know the answer after 2000 hours, but I don't have a 7110 handy so any opinions?
My question is: When "cleared as filed" am I cleared as I originally filed on the flight plan (direct) or am I cleared via whatever clearance delivery gave me? I guess I should know the answer after 2000 hours, but I don't have a 7110 handy so any opinions?