Civil Service Test


Well-Known Member
I may be completely on the wrong track, but I think I remember hearing about a civil test for air traffic controllers, similar to the one for police and/or fire personnel. I was wondering if this test would ever be released to the public, thus allowing someone without military experience and a CTI certificate to become hired as an air traffic controller for the FAA.

Any insight appreciated
Will it? Maybe

The name of the test is the AT-SAT. Off the street hiring may end up being the only option for the FAA. As I feel it may be the naive public who are willing to do a "cool" join for only 40k a year, with not much chance to see increased wages. At least not in the range of 150k of past years.
I'm looking for that insight as well. Rumor has it after the Reagan firings, those hired then are close to retirement age leaving a significant void to fill.
As I feel it may be the naive public who are willing to do a "cool" join for only 40k a year, with not much chance to see increased wages. At least not in the range of 150k of past years.

Honestly, the pay doesn't bother me as much of the way it was implemented....neither of my parents made over 40k when I was growing up and I had a perfectly happy upbringing...the actual pay isn't a huge deal to me. But to take the entire collective bargaining process and make a mockery out of it because of a loophole is what ticks me off....but i'm not wussying out because of the pay.
I'm looking for that insight as well. Rumor has it after the Reagan firings, those hired then are close to retirement age leaving a significant void to fill.

Isn't that a fact? I wasn't even born around the time when Reagan did the firings, but I assumed that most were on their way to retirement...
Honestly, the pay doesn't bother me as much of the way it was implemented....neither of my parents made over 40k when I was growing up and I had a perfectly happy upbringing...the actual pay isn't a huge deal to me. But to take the entire collective bargaining process and make a mockery out of it because of a loophole is what ticks me off....but i'm not wussying out because of the pay.

Well, the unethical practice of getting us involved in the education promising a good salary, then when we near graduation they slash wages, ruin the QOL, while outsourcing FSS. . . it doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth for the agency. So nevertheless, I suppose I am wussying out. Call it what you want I suppose.

I figure a lot of you guys have SRS (Shiney Radar Syndrome) and will work for whatever pay just to be a "controller." I hope you enjoy working the overtime, the rotating eight hour shifts, missing holidays, the understaffing, missing your kids birthdays (if you have kids), while you pull in 40-55k a year after all of the FAA's consolidation and reorginization. With no competition in the market place to bring wages up.

Atleast with SJS you can eventually make 70-90K a year as a RJ CA, with prospects of moving to another company and eventually pulling in >100K as a 737/A320 CA or >130K a year on larger aircraft at larger companies.

Don't handcuff yourself, and remember your time is worth something, so is the skill you will posses eventually.

Much like you I am ashamed that a government organization is willing to undercut their employees, and future employees. The integrity that government agencies tell their employees to practice but when it comes back to the managers they are down right ignorant, lieing SOBs. It's like a plague. It happens in military, of which I'm tired off and am moving on, and it appears to occur in civil servant positions as well. While our administer Blakey is clueless, and has zero experience in air traffic, much less aviation safety, she continues to drive the boat deeper into the depths of darkness.

It'll be a another two years before she is even gone, she has only just begun ruining our nations air space system. I can't even imagine what she will do next, but more outsourcing is on the way I'm sure.
surreal, have you ever been a controller, or worked at any center? do you have a CTI? seem to know some things about the ATC industry.
I figure a lot of you guys have SRS (Shiney Radar Syndrome) and will work for whatever pay just to be a "controller." I hope you enjoy working the overtime, the rotating eight hour shifts, missing holidays, the understaffing, missing your kids birthdays (if you have kids), while you pull in 40-55k a year after all of the FAA's consolidation and reorginization. With no competition in the market place to bring wages up.

I'm sure nearly all of the regional airline pilots on this forum can relate to those QOL conditions (and start at a much lower salary) you just listed.....welcome to the aviation!

Don't get the wrong impression, I'm not picking ATC as the be-all-end-all career for me and I'm lining up backups in the event things don't go well when I get in. But as of now, I'm not turning down the job. I've invested too much into it to just quit because of a new payscale. Now keep in mind I'm 20 years old, have no kids, etc and don't exactly live an extravagent lifestyle. In fact, from my background, 50k and government bennies isn't horrific. Is it what I would want? Hell no.....

Who knows where we'll be 5 years from now when this thing expires. If all goes to plan and I don't get held up in the hiring process, I most likely will be very close to checking out as a CPC (hypothetically speaking of course), still in the infancy of the career. Alot can happen legally and politically.

What happens if somehow NATCA is able to legally void the 'nontract' (I'm sure there will be grievances and lawsuits in the coming months as thing went into effect today)? The FAA won't be calling back all of the CTIers who turned the job down......

Alot can happen in 5 years.....the pendulum swings both ways.