Citation fuel reserves


Well-Known Member
So I would like to see everyone's lowest fuel reserves they want to land with in a Citation V or similar. I typically use 1200lbs for a VFR day and 1500 lbs for a IFR day. What is messing with me on this , is people saying I should be able to fly 1700 nm with NBAA IFR reserves? I fly 1300 nm and land with 1300-1500 lbs. I must get stuck with crap winds!
In the beechjet which is the same engine I believe we are okay with 800lb if weather is VFR and 1200lbs if weather is IFR
Never flown the Citation, but unless you takeoff and climb direct to max cruise, cruise at the exact mach number in a standard atmosphere, and max range descent...all without a probably aren't going to get the same distance/reserve that the company said you could. I always have thought of those numbers as marketing ploys, you have to read the fine print to get what you paid for! The flight manual however, should be spot on, with the standard caveat that you apply all notes/deviations correctly. Also, unless you are calculating the actual fuel required to get exactly the required reserve, you are probably losing some distance due to the extra fuel you have stashed in the tanks for mom and pop.

My Jetta says it gets 48mpg freeway, however, I typically only see ~45mpg. That said I have seen as high as 53 and as low as 39 depending on wind, speed, acceleration, altitude, hills, mountains etc.
Depends on the Citation model, but I always used 1500 as my planned landing mins. If it was severe VFR and I wasn't flying into the NE in winter, I would go down to 1200. But generally 1500 was my safe number. When we flew the 550 we would go down to 1000 lbs.
Sorry for the long delay in responding! Thank You for the input! I feel pretty good with the 1200 / 1500 numbers. I just wanted to see where other stood to make sure I am not way out of line at times.
What does 1500# get you over 1200# ? 10 minutes?

I've used 1200# VMC in TFE731 power twin jets, 1800# marginal. 2500# if IMC and using 100nm alternate.

JT5D fuel burns down low at cruise settings are??