(Cholesterol) Amazing What 6 Weeks Can Do!!!


Well-Known Member
So...about six weeks ago, I went to a local physician to get established as we had just moved out here from FL.

During a routine check-up, I weighed in at a very portly (for me) 224 lbs. I also informed my doctor that my cholesterol was normally on the "elevated" side = meaning around 240.

Well, she did a Lipid Panel and called a few days later to inform me that my total cholesterol was an alarming 269 with my LDL's (bad cholesterol) at 174.

Hence, for the last six weeks, I proceeded to do the following:

- Avoid fast food.
- Eat at home or take food with me on trips.
- Eat salads on the road (with non-fat dressings) when I didn't have anything left.
- Avoid red meats (for now).
- Avoid cheese (I LOVES me some cheese!! :D )
- Eat lots of white meat (chicken, fish, pork, turkey)
- Eat lots of veggies.
- Drink TONS of water.
- Use only skim milk in my cereal (which was usually Cheerios)
- Eat oatmeal.
- Eat only egg-white omlettes if I was craving eggs (as you know... I like eggs!! ;) :D )
- Took Niacin every morning.
- Took Red Yeast Rice every morning and dinner time.
- Ran 2 to 4 miles a day on an average of 4 days a week.

And as of today......( I went back to the doctor yesterday)... I weighed in at 211. My total cholesterol was down to ...... (drum roll please) .... 146. And my LDL's were down to 87!!!! :bandit: :bandit:

I've got about another 11 lbs or so to go to get back to my "playing weight", but...... DAMN!!! 123 points shaved off in SIX WEEKS???????


Sorry... just my "attaboy" to myself!! ;)

As you were.

Coingrats man!! I was in the same situation witih my triglyceride levels. I forget the exact numbers but they were extremely high and the doc wanted to put me on meds. I don't take to kindly to meds so I said let me change my diet and then from there if it doesn't get bettter I'll take your meds. I gave up all fast foods but most importantly anything with added or processed sugar and within a few months I shaved 150 points off my triglyceride levels and even lost about 15 pounds. Really made me realize how much of an effect what we put in our bodies has. Keep up the good lifestyle!
Thats pretty darn decent. Stay away from JR's (especially the cowboy steak served there) and the Great Wall of China Buffet in Saginaw and you'll be ok.;)
Stan, just out of curiousity, did Eagle send you anything about cholesterol levels after your physical? Some people in my class received sort of a warning letter after their medicals telling them to be careful; I'm wondering how common that was.
Good Lord I would dread having my cholesterol checked. How high is the scale? I would probably check in at one beeeeelyon. :(
Hence, for the last six weeks, I proceeded to do the following:

- Avoid fast food.
- Eat at home or take food with me on trips.
- Eat salads on the road (with non-fat dressings) when I didn't have anything left.
- Avoid red meats (for now).
- Avoid cheese (I LOVES me some cheese!! :D )
- Eat lots of white meat (chicken, fish, pork, turkey)
- Eat lots of veggies.
- Drink TONS of water.
- Use only skim milk in my cereal (which was usually Cheerios)
- Eat oatmeal.
- Eat only egg-white omlettes if I was craving eggs (as you know... I like eggs!! ;) :D )
- Took Niacin every morning.
- Took Red Yeast Rice every morning and dinner time.
- Ran 2 to 4 miles a day on an average of 4 days a week.

Good job mate, I eat oatmeal for breakfast pretty much every day on trips and frosted flakes (skim milk) on my days off at home. Triscotts and salmon make a good lunch or dinner mixed in with peanut butter (natural) and honey sandwiches. Granola bars work out well to snack on.

My next goal is trying to get 4-days worth of food under $10 :).

*If* I ever eat out it's at a ruby tuesdays with the salad bar. But that kills my budget...

We stopped eating red meat and now only eat chicken or ground turkey (use it for hamburgers, tacos, anything you'd put beef in really). It's about 50%-100% cheaper and has almost zero grease (compared to beef). I also like the taste more. You can get the cheap frozen stuff for about $1/pound but the butterball/premium brands in our area are around $1.50/pound.

It was probably the running that did most of the lowering though. Keep up the good job!
Stan, just out of curiousity, did Eagle send you anything about cholesterol levels after your physical?
No, and I was VERY surprised. I had read on eaglelounge about candidates getting letters about their cholesterol letters and I guess I just kind of expected to get one too. But didn't.

I'm just glad it's down.... WAY down!
Good job Man! I was in the same situation as you were a year ago. Seriously very well done, it's hard to do all of that.
Good Lord I would dread having my cholesterol checked. How high is the scale? I would probably check in at one beeeeelyon. :(
Good question. I THINK what is considered "high" is around where mine was. What is considered "dangerous" is around 280-290... I think. "Low" or "Normal" is the mid-100's to 190.

Get it checked. If it's high. Get it down. Pronto!!
i got one of those letters. i think my cholesterol was like 230 or something. but for some reason have a high level of the good kind so it makes my overall number higher, but i should still try to get it below 200. stan you've given me some insperation, especially the weight part.
So...about six weeks ago, I went to a local physician to get established as we had just moved out here from FL.

During a routine check-up, I weighed in at a very portly (for me) 224 lbs. I also informed my doctor that my cholesterol was normally on the "elevated" side = meaning around 240.

Well, she did a Lipid Panel and called a few days later to inform me that my total cholesterol was an alarming 269 with my LDL's (bad cholesterol) at 174.

Hence, for the last six weeks, I proceeded to do the following:

- Avoid fast food.
- Eat at home or take food with me on trips.
- Eat salads on the road (with non-fat dressings) when I didn't have anything left.
- Avoid red meats (for now).
- Avoid cheese (I LOVES me some cheese!! :D )
- Eat lots of white meat (chicken, fish, pork, turkey)
- Eat lots of veggies.
- Drink TONS of water.
- Use only skim milk in my cereal (which was usually Cheerios)
- Eat oatmeal.
- Eat only egg-white omlettes if I was craving eggs (as you know... I like eggs!! ;) :D )
- Took Niacin every morning.
- Took Red Yeast Rice every morning and dinner time.
- Ran 2 to 4 miles a day on an average of 4 days a week.

And as of today......( I went back to the doctor yesterday)... I weighed in at 211. My total cholesterol was down to ...... (drum roll please) .... 146. And my LDL's were down to 87!!!! :bandit: :bandit:

I've got about another 11 lbs or so to go to get back to my "playing weight", but...... DAMN!!! 123 points shaved off in SIX WEEKS???????


Sorry... just my "attaboy" to myself!! ;)

As you were.


Dude, let me just say, that's freakin' awesome! Good for you man.
My wife tested at 229. She didn't need to lose weight and her diet was pretty good. She began a weight lifting/cardio routine. Also, oatmeal for breakfast with nothing on it - plain.

Also, she is taking Red Yeast Rice Extract. It is a chinese herbal remedy that has been around since the dawn of time. No side effects. It has the same active ingredient as lipotor. The version she found is called Choleast. It also contains CQ-10 in a small amount. It's available over the counter on the internet. She has been taking only half the recommended dose because she is very small.

Yesterday she tested 169.

We celebrated with a big plate of scrambled eggs and a chocolate milkshake.

I think that about half the result was good diet and excercise and the other half was the red yeast rice extract.

I achieved the same results by watching the carbs instead of the fat. Still eat the meat, but I don't eat the bread or potatoes with it, just a salad and vegetables. I am signifigantly overweight, but by watching the carbs my cholesterol was 167 and blood pressure totally normal.

I had a knee operation a few weeks ago and the anesthesiologist that put me under and monitored my vitals told my wife he couldn't believe how "healthy" I was for an overweight person my age. He was amazed at my vitals (blood pressure, etc.) during the operation.

Watching the carbs cuts down on your insulin levels which causes a lot of the problem. But it can be accomplished either way, either low fat or low carbs. But I like fat in my food. :)