Changing jobs...


New Member
Hello all,

Im in a current job situation in which im starting to be unhappy. Im not going to go into a lot of details but its a small company flying sic in a jet. Its 24/7 on call and and the management is horrible (they dont even tell us when the plane is down for mx so we are still assuming we are on all), on top of that im starting to wounder about some of the practices they do. My concern is the fact that ive changed jobs often. My next job would be a regional. I know the pay sucks at first but at least its a company that has policies and a chance to upgrade. Here is what my current resume looks like.

12/04-Current- FA-10 SIC Part 135
4/04-12/04 - Line pilot Part 135 (twin cessnas and SIC in a BE200)
4/03-8/04 - Corporate Pilot (C206/C210)
3/03-8/04 - Chief Flight Instructor (Single engine)

Have I moved around too much? Is this alright in aviation? If its looking like ive moved around too much Ill stick this out. If i do stick it out, how long is long enough? I see everything on here as an upgrade in equiptment. Ive also foudn that 135 operators like to cut corners on those last two!

Looks fine to me. You're just movin' up in the world, that's all.
I agree with the above post. That's just the way it is in this business and interviewers know that. Each step was a step up. If you haven't been fired and have good recommendations, there is nothing to worry about.
You're fine.

Don't worry about it. It's the nature of the business and looks like the natural progression that a lot of us take to the big leagues.