CFI Hiring Status


Well-Known Member
Would someone who teaches at MTSU please tell me what the outlook is for hiring CFI's from the outside if they ever do this.

I know some guys that go to MTSU that are waiting to instruct there. Not sure how long the line is though.
Just went up to the school yesterday to speak with one of my old students and they are expecting to hire instructors if the student turn-out is expected. As to outside instructors, they have taken them in the past. It is just a matter if there are enough internal instructors first.

I would say give them a resume and call the Chief Instructor every week.
I just went to the school last week and found that there is a backlog of instructors waiting to get the job but not enough students.

Credit these days is hard for parents to come by so they aren't paying for their children's flight lessons.

If you did get hired in the Spring, you'd probably have to find work in the summer.