CFI Class in vegas

July in Vegas! Make sure you get comfortable in waking up before the crack of dawn and teaching maneuvers in severe turbulence in 120 degree heat if necessary. Lots of luck!
...teaching maneuvers in severe turbulence in 120 degree heat if necessary.

Complete side rant here.

PLEASE... PLEASE don't be that jackass in a 172 who reports "severe" turbulence. Yes it may feel like you are about to get tossed out of the sky, but as long as you don't buckle the airframe, it's not severe. It makes life very difficult for everybody else when you do something like that.


And yes, Vegas is hot in July. But Frank will keep it interesting.
Don't forget to load the computer monitor for ballast in the baggage compartment. Frank is not the lightest guy, and neither am I. Also be prepared for 0500 ready to fly, when it's this hot.
Lets see if I remember correctly. "We will be cranking at 5am". His favorite two phrases for me "Lollipop, and Yum, Yum".
Lets see if I remember correctly. "We will be cranking at 5am". His favorite two phrases for me "Lollipop, and Yum, Yum".

Don't forget "shagrin" and "vinilla flavored." The guys I graduated with were gonna make a shirt titled "Frankisms."

Edit: If you want to get on his good side, ask him about his Mooney. He lloooovvvveeessss to talk about his Mooney.