CFI Checkride


Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

My initial CFI checkride is scheduled for Friday, however the weather doesn't look like it's going to cooperate. The FAA Inspector has given me the option of driving to the FSDO (2 hours) to finish the oral portion of the checkride and then complete the practical portion sometime next week. I can't determine from the sound of his voice if he is just being courteous, or if he really wouldn't mind splitting the ride up. I'm not familiar with how Inspector schedules operate.

In your experience, what are the associated pro's and con's of doing so? Obviously, it could relieve some stress of completing both the oral and practical at the same time. However, would is be possible that the length of the oral could be extended?

If I drive up and heaven forbid I fail the oral, it could save me a $300 roundtrip in the airplane when I reschedule and come back for a re-test. If I pass, I'm only out the $20-30 in fuel from the drive and can focus my studies for the practical test.

The inspector that I'm scheduled with is known to be a relaxed guy and I've heard good things about him, so I would rather not put myself in the position of being rescheduled with someone else. Not sure if splitting it up would guarantee that I finish with the same Inspector?

Thank you in advance for your input.
In your experience, what are the associated pro's and con's of doing so? Obviously, it could relieve some stress of completing both the oral and practical at the same time. However, would is be possible that the length of the oral could be extended?

CFI Initial Oral's can easily be many many hours. There's a very real possibility of doing the oral and then not flying because you run out of time / daylight / weather gets bad. I'd just drive up and get it out of the way.

If they are suggesting splitting it, doesn't sound like they mind. (Otherwise, why suggest it?)
Go ahead and do the oral, it can take a long time and you might be pretty wore out by the time you're done. Having finished the oral and knowing you get to go into the flight fresh makes it very enjoyable. That was my experience.
I would definitely go ahead and knock the oral out then just fly later. I have done a split up checkride in the past and it is very enjoyable just getting to the airport, and getting in the airplane and knocking the flight test out.
I would like to report that I passed the oral part of the checkride today! You guys were right, I was totally spent afterwards! Props to everyone who had to deal with the entire thing in one day, ouch!

The oral was a lot different than I expected. A lot of broad scenario based questions that tested multiple subjects and tasks at once. It really made you think and dig for the information before you answered the question. Not many wrote based questions. Other interesting questions applied to grey areas in the regulations, which were followed by examples of CFI's that the FSDO had taken action against.

Other than that, it was pretty much line by line from the CFI PTS. Tip: required items to be asked will be asked! He didn't miss one from what I recall!

The practical portion is scheduled for Tuesday, so here goes nothing! I'll be sure to submit a detailed write-up afterwards.
Relax, you'll do fine. It is just another checkride, but you get to do most of the talking this time around.

Really - the more your mouth is moving, the less you can be asked about anything. And brief as much as you can on the ground.